- Tympanostomy tube insertion is the meet effective treatment approach for OME, but there are also some sequelae. 鼓膜置管是治疗分泌性中耳炎最有效的手段,但存在一些并发症。
- Tympanostomy tube insertion is the most effective treatment approach for OME,but there are also some sequelae. 鼓膜置管是治疗分泌性中耳炎最有效的手段,但存在一些并发症。
- As such, treatment guidelines hae recommended prompt tympanostomy tube insertion as a method of improing deelopmental outcomes. 照这样,治疗的指导方针一直是建议立即进行鼓膜造孔插管,作为一种改善生长发育的方法。
- The study inoled 429 children with persistent middle-ear effusions who were randomized to undergo prompt or delayed tympanostomy tube insertion. 研究包括429名患有持续性中耳渗液的儿童,他们被随机的分在立即进行鼓膜造孔插管手术组和延迟手术组。
- Objective To determine incidence and prevalence of middle ear sequelae in adult with chronic otitis media with effusion who received tympanostomy tube insertion. 目的探讨鼓膜置管术对成人渗出性中耳炎治疗的长期结果。方法总结分析1996年6月至1999年6月治疗的42例成人渗出性中耳炎患者。男24例,女18例,左耳17例,右耳19例,双耳6例,共计48耳;
- Objective To analyze the status of tympanic membranes (TMs) and middle ears after tympanostomy tube insertions in children with otitis media with effusion (OME). 摘要目的随访分析儿童分泌性中耳炎鼓膜置管后的状况。
- Keywords Otitis media with effusion;Tympanostomy tube insertion;Adult; 中耳炎;分泌性;鼓膜置管术;成年人;
- and 6) when a child becomes a surgical candidate, tympanostomy tube insertion is the preferred initial procedure. 6)当儿童不得不进行外科手术时,放置鼓膜造孔插管是首选方法。
- Tympanostomy tube insertion 鼓膜置管术
- Tympanostomy tube placement increased 28% per capita between 1996 and 2006, to 0.96 surgeries per 100 children. 在1996至2006年间,中耳鼓膜通气管放置率增加了28%25,达到每100名小孩有0.;96件手术;
- To inestigate further, the team studied middle ear fluid samples from 79 young children who had recent tympanostomy tube placement. 为了进一步的研究,该研究小组分析了79名近期行鼓膜造孔插管儿童的中耳液样本。
- Tympanostomy tube sequelae are common in children with OME, and appropriate postoperative prevention measures and regular follow-ups are of great importance. 儿童分泌性中耳炎鼓膜置管后并发症较普遍,术后预防和规律的随访十分重要。
- Tympanostomy tube sequelae are common156 but are generally transient (otorrhea) or do not affect function (tympanosclerosis, focal atrophy, or shallow retraction pocket). 鼓膜造孔插管后遗症常见,但是通常为暂时的(如耳漏)或者不影响耳功能(鼓室硬化,病灶萎缩,或者浅内陷袋)。
- Conclusion Tympanostomy tube sequelae are common in children with OME, and appropriate postoperative prevention measures and regular follow-ups are of great importance. 结论儿童分泌性中耳炎鼓膜置管后并发症较普遍,术后预防和规律的随访十分重要。
- Ureter catheterization,double J tube insertion under cystoscope and operation should be the main measure... 膀胱镜下输尿管插管,置入双J管内支架引流及手术是解除梗阻的主要方法。
- Ureter catheterization,double-J tube insertion under cystoscope and operation should be the main measures to relieve obstruction. 膀胱镜下输尿管插管,置入双J管内支架引流及手术是解除梗阻的主要方法。
- Objective To discuss the therapeutic effect of secretory otitis media(SOM) by tube insertion combined with adenoidectomy under endoscope in children. 目的探讨鼓室置管术加腺样体切除术治疗儿童分泌性中耳炎的疗效。
- Surgical management includes tympanotomy, laser tympanotomy, tympanotomy with ventilation tube insertion, and adenoidectomy. 外科治疗包括鼓膜切开术、雷射鼓膜切开术、鼓膜切开术合并中耳通气管植入及腺样体之切除。
- Tympanostomy tube with semipermeable membrane 带半渗透膜的鼓膜穿刺管
- This technique facilitates tube insertion in patients with elevation of the hemidiaphragm and a "high" stomach position. 在横隔膜提高及胃部升高的患者身上使用本项技术,可以加速喂食管的装入。