- Tylophora ovata (Lindl.) Hook. ex Steud. 卵叶娃儿藤
- Tylophora ovata Hook. ex Steud. 卵叶娃儿藤
- Tylophora ovata (Lindl.)Hook.ex Steud 卵叶娃儿藤
- Tylophora ovata 娃儿藤
- Therefore, the pollinia sculpture can be used as a key characteristic of Tylophra. 4.The floral structure of Tylophora atrofolliculata was different from those of T. ovata and T. mollissima . Br.;植物特征比较一致:花小,具真花柱,柱头盘状、表面较平坦,导轨较宽,内边缘基部具分泌细胞,无内导轨;
- Definition: Catalpa Fruit is the fruit of catalpa ovata G. 本品为紫薇科植物梓catalpa ovata G.
- AIM: To study the antitumor constituents from roots of Tylophora floribunda Miq. 目的:研究娃儿藤属植物七层楼根中的抗肿瘤活性成分。
- In South China, Holotrichia ovata Chang is one species which most badly destroy turfgrass. 卵圆齿爪鳃金龟Holotrichia ovata Chang在我国南方是严重为害草坪的重要害虫之一。
- ResultsThe root of Tylophora atrolliculata Metc. had amphicribral vascular bundle, however steme had bicollateral vascular bundle. 方法利用显微镜观察其根、茎的横切面结构组织与根粉末特征。
- Two taxa of Stixis Lour., S. ovata (Korth.) Hall. f. ssp. fasciculata (King) Jacobs and S. scandens Lour., are reported as new records from China. 关键词:锥序斑果藤,闭脉斑果藤,山柑科,新记录,中国|全部关键词
- Description: Caterpillars feed on poisonous plant Tylophora ovata. Wingspan ranges from 70 to 80mm. On flight throughout the whole year. 形容:幼虫食用有毒植物娃儿藤;展翅约70至80毫米;全年可见.
- Ray height and ray width can be used for diagnostic or subsidiary diagnostic features to distinguish S. ovata from other Sonneratia species. 2.;海桑属形成一单系的类群;并与紫薇属有更近的亲缘关系;而与同科的八宝树属的亲缘关系更远;
- Mey.The accumulation of MDA was increased significantly and the largest accumulated amount was in grafted nursery plants with Catalpa ovata Don. MDA的积累都有明显增加,金丝楸嫁接苗积累最少,梓树嫁接苗和灰楸嫁接苗增加较多;
- Dominant species comprised Synedra ulna var.oxyrhynchus,Gyrosigma spencerii,Cymbella tumida,Surirella ovata,with the proportion of 13.42%,12.56%,14.00%,9.88% respectively. 优势种为肘状针杆藻尖喙变种、斯氏布纹藻、膨胀桥弯藻和卵形双菱藻等;它们在各站点中都有分布;分别占总数的13.;42%25、12
- Psyllium Plantago ovata husks are a rich source of fibre and absorb water to form mucilage that adds bulk and draws toxins into the bowel, making it easier to pass. 洋车钱子种皮粉富含纤维;吸收水分后形成黏胶质;可以把毒素吸回肠内;进而排出体外.
- Definition: Ispaghula husk consists of the episperm and collapsed adjacent layers removed from the seeds of Plantago ovata Forssk. (P. ispaghula Roxb.). 本品为车前科植物卵叶车前Plantago ovata Forssk.;(P
- To obtain chemical constituents from the fruit of Catalpa ovata G.Don,the methods of water extraction,ethanol extraction and petroleum ether extraction were used. 采用水提取法、醇提取法和石油醚提取法对梓树果实的化学成分进行了比较全面的定性实验。
- Tylophora floribunda Miq. 多花娃儿藤
- Tylophora hispida Decne. 粗毛娃儿藤
- Tylophora R. Br. [医] 娃儿藤属