- Finding an old edition of Hamlet, he plunked down two yuan for it. 他见到一部老版本的<哈姆雷特>, 付了两元把它买下来。
- That comes to two yuan and fifty fen. 合计两元五角。
- Annual membership dues are two yuan per head. 每人每年的会费是二元。
- Give me two yuan's worth of eight-fen stamps. 给我二元钱八分邮票。
- The apples are two yuan a kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤两元钱。
- If you lend me two yuan,I'll pay it back tomorrow. 如果你肯借给我2元,我将明天还你。
- If you lend me two yuan, I'll pay it back tomorrow. 如果你肯借给我2元,我将明天还你。
- Of course. Let me weigh it. It's two yuan two mao. 当然。让我称一下重量。两块二。
- Ok, I guess it's worthy of two yuan. 好吧,我想花两元钱去玩值得。
- I'll take the book for two yuan. 这书要是卖两元我就买了。
- Fish is two yuan and a half a kilo. 鱼肉每公斤两元五。
- How much is this tape? Two yuan. 这个修正带多少钱?两元。
- The tomatoes cost two yuan a kilo. 蕃茄二元一公斤。
- The bicycle repairman charged me two yuan. 那位修自行车的师傅让我付给他两元钱的修理费。
- Please pay two yuan for the registration. 请交2元钱挂号费。
- Here're two yuan fifteen cents for the stamps. 这是邮票的钱,两元一角五分。
- Two yuan buys 60 minutes of computer time. 花上两元钱,就能在网上交谈60分钟。
- He fished two yuan out of his pocket. 他从兜儿里摸出两块钱。
- Finding an old edition of Hamlet,he plunked down two yuan for it. 他见到一部老版本的《哈姆雷特》,付了两元把它买下来。
- Now many bus routes in this city charge two yuan as a uniform fare. 现在,这座城市的许多公交路线无论距离远近都统一收取两元车费。