- Two line wires of barbed wire 双股刺钢丝
- They have to crawl under yards and yards of barbed wire. 在这一项目中,挑战者需要在带刀片的铁丝网下爬行。
- An obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame, used to block enemy advancement. 铁蒺藜由钉在林桩上的有刺铁丝或尖钉构成的用来阻挡敌人的前进障碍物
- The maze of former prison buildings is still ringed by coils of barbed wire. 那座已经废弃的监狱至今还被铁丝网包围着。
- There was a girl found strangled with a piece of barbed wire at Wandsworth last week. 上个星期在旺茨沃思人们发现有一个女孩子被人用一段有倒刺的铁丝勒死了。
- A variation of barbed wire is also used for military purposes . It is formed into long coils or entanglements called concertina wire. 各种不同的铁丝网还被用于军事目的。通常会被制成更长的盘或者是拧成所谓的“六角网”。
- Different kinds of barbed wire from South Africa, former Yugoslavia, Mexico, the Lebanon, Japan, Israel, Hungary, Brazil, Ireland and Germany and from the gardens of various private properties. 来自南非,前南斯拉夫,墨西哥,黎巴嫩,日本,以色列,匈牙利,巴西,爱尔兰,德国的私家花园的各种各样的带刺的铁丝...这个我不知道是什么主题..
- Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire. 一块块土地都用带刺的铁丝网圈了起来。
- His land was fenced with barbed wire. 他的土地用铁丝网围著。
- Fencing made of usually barbed wire. 金属栅栏通常用装有倒钩的金属线做成的篱笆
- The jacket was torn to shreds by the barbed wire. 那件夹克让铁丝网给戳破了。
- Disentangling all this barbed wire is the devil's own job. 理这些带刺的铁丝,真是个苦差事。
- The last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly. 这首诗的最后两行没有押好韵。
- The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders. 周围有铁丝网阻止了外人闯入。
- Her hair get all tangle up in the barbed wire fence. 她的头发让刺钢丝篱笆都给挂住了。
- The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped. 囚犯们从铁丝网中开出一条路逃跑了。
- The two lines come together at that point. 这两根线在那一点上相交。
- the pointed part of barbed wire. 带刺铁丝网上尖的部分。
- Twice to insert two line breaks. 以插入两个换行符。
- Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence. 她的头发被刺钢丝篱笆给挂住了。