- Two from seven leaves five. 七减二为五。
- Five from seven leaves two. 七减五得二。
- Two from five is a simple subtraction. 五减二是简单的减法。
- Three from seven leaves four. 7减3余4。
- Six from seven leaves one. 七减六剩一。
- Three from seven leaves four . 7减3余4。
- If you subtract two from five you get three. 五减去二剩下三。
- He threw in a word or two from time to time. 他不时地插上一两句话。
- There are two hundred boys ranging from seven to fourteen in age. 有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。
- That morning we worked from seven to eleven in the fields hoeing corn. 这天早上,我们在玉米地锄草,从7点干到11点。
- The car left a trail of exhaust fumes. Two from eight leaves six. 车子留下废气的痕迹;八减二得六
- They usually watch TV from seven to ten. 他们通常从七点到十点看电视。
- If I take two from four I have two left. 如果我从4减去2, 那就剩下2了。
- He throws in a word or two from time to time. 他不时地插上一两句话。
- We serve breakfast from seven thirty to nine in the coffee shop. 我们从七时三十分到九时在咖啡厅内供应早餐。
- You can choose two from these books. 你可以从这些书中选两本。
- Breakfast is served in your room from seven to nine. 我们的送餐服务从七点到九点。
- Yes,we serve breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. 是的,先生。我们这里从上午七点到九点都供应早餐。
- He could always hustle a buck or two from some sucker. 他总能从傻瓜身上弄到一两块钱。
- Yes, we serve breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. 是的,先生。我们这里从上午七点到九点都供应早餐。