- Twelfth cranial nerve nucleus 第Ⅻ颅神经核
- Tongue deviation disorder of twelfth cranial nerve 第十二颅神经舌偏[运动]功能障碍
- Tongue protrusion function of twelfth cranial nerve 第十二颅神经舌前突[运动]功能
- Tongue deviation function of twelfth cranial nerve 第十二颅神经舌偏[运动]功能
- Tongue protrusion disorder of twelfth cranial nerve 第十二颅神经舌前突[运动]功能障碍
- Disorder of the twelfth cranial nerve 第十二脑神经病症
- twelfth cranial nerve 第十二脑神经, 舌下神经
- Eleventh cranial nerve nucleus 第十一脑神经核
- Tenth cranial nerve nucleus 第十脑神经核
- Twelfth cranial nerve function 第十二颅神经功能
- Injury of twelfth cranial nerve 第十二脑神经损伤
- Third cranial nerve nucleus 第三脑神经核
- Ninth cranial nerve nucleus 第九脑神经核
- Seventh cranial nerve nucleus 第七脑神经核
- Sixth cranial nerve nucleus 第六脑神经核
- Fourth cranial nerve nucleus 第四脑神经核
- Vascular loop compression of the eight cranial nerve was found in all patients. 术中均见有血管袢压迫第viii颅神经。
- Why is the person's cranial nerve incontrollable cardiac muscle activity? 为什么人的脑神经不能控制心肌活动?
- Facial nerve nucleus is located in deep of pontine lower reticulate structure, in trigeminal spinal cord bundle nuclear inside, nerve nucleus exhibits outside before foreign. 面神经核位于脑桥下部的网状结构深部,在三叉神经脊髓束核内侧,外展神经核的前外方。
- cranial nerve nuclei 脑神经核