- Turkish Red Crescent 土耳其红新月会
- Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Kuching Chapter's banner. 马来西亚红新月会古晋区会的宣传布条。
- For a moment the flashing crimson curve of the blade was a second moon against the sky, an old, red crescent moon. 片刻之间,这利刃划出的猩红色曲线,就如同另一个月亮,在夜空中闪烁,那是一个古老的、红色的新月。
- The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a movement to save human life and health. 国际红十字会和红新月会运动是为了挽救人类的生命和健康。
- To learn more about first aid, contact a hospital or local organization like a Red Cross or Red Crescent society. 想要了解更多有关急救的知识,你可以咨询医院或是当地诸如红十字会、红新月会之类的组织。
- A red crescent of sun is visible during a total solar eclipse seen above Varanasi, India on Wednesday, July 22, 2009. 红新月会的太阳是在可见的日全食看到上述瓦拉纳西,印度星期三,2009年7月22日。
- The attack, which occurred on Saturday, caused no casualties, employees of the Red Crescent said. 红新月会的雇员说,周六发生的这起袭击没有造成人员伤亡。
- Since the storm, 21 expatriate Red Cross and Red Crescent aid workers have joined the team. 21名(缅甸)移居国外的红十字会与红新月会救援工作者也加入了救援队伍。
- Head of the Algerian Red Crescent Society met with the Iranian Ambassador to Algeria to discuss cooperation on a new Red Crescent clinic in Algiers Alger. 阿尔及利亚红新月会会长会见伊朗驻阿尔及利亚大使,讨论在首都阿尔及尔合作建立红新月诊所。
- To learn more about first aid, contact a hospital or local organization like a Red Cross or Red Crescent society. There may be training programs offered in your area. 想要知道更多关于急救的方法你可以咨询当地的医院或象红十字会和红新月会的组织。在你的附近可能有这样的培训。
- M.H. is Head of the Red Cross and Red Crescent climate change center in the Netherlands. She tells VOA climate change triggers weather-related disasters. 是荷兰红十字会和红新月会气候变暖中心的领导。她接受VOA采访时称气候变暖引发了一系列与气候有关的灾难。
- Madeleen Helmer is Head of the Red Cross and Red Crescent climate change center in the Netherlands. She tells VOA climate change triggers weather-related disasters. Madeleen Helmer是荷兰红十字会和红新月会气候变化中心的领导人.;她在接受VOA时说气候变化引发了气候相关的自然灾害
- May 8, the anniversary of the birth of Henry Dunant, the Swiss founder of the Red Cross, was chosen to be that day and was called World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. 于是,红十字会创始人瑞士的亨利_杜南的生日,即每年的5月8日成为世界红十字日。
- Climate change is one of the most hotly contested issues being debated at the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 气候变化是第30届国际红十字及红新月运动会议上讨论最热烈的话题之一。
- Article 17 Where the sign of the Red Crescent is used due to religious beliefs, the provisions on the use of the sign of the Red Cross shall apply. 第十七条因宗教信仰使用红新月标志的,其使用办法适用红十字标志的使用规定。
- The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society says the death toll could reach 10-thousand as more victims are discovered in hard-to-reach areas. 孟加拉红新月会说,死亡人数可能高达1万人,因为在一些难以进入的地方会发现更多的死难者。
- Far more useful was his decision to found and direct the Gaza branch of the Red Crescent, his own rallying organisation for Palestinian improvement. 更有效的是他决定创建并领导加沙的红新月会分支,为了巴勒斯坦进步的他自己的组织。
- The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has issued an emergency appeal for medical help, food, water and tents. 国际红十字会和红新月社团发出紧急请求,希望得到医疗救助,食物,水源,帐篷。
- The MRCS is presently one of 186 National Societies worldwide members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 目前的MRCS之一,全球186个国家协会成员的国际红十字会和红新月会。
- Islamic countries use a red crescent instead while Israeli medics wear the Magen David Adom (a red star of David on a white background). 伊斯兰国家的军队用红新月。(其它标志参见红十字会条目。)