- Tumen river field 图们江流域
- Franc R.Joubins discovered the Blind River field. F.;R
- Chapter Three predicts the evolving trend of the spatial structure of the Tumen River Growth Triangle. 第三章,对图们江增长三角空间结构的演变趋势进行了预测。
- Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok. 近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。
- The broker took her to the Tumen River and simply told her to wade across to China. 中间人将她带到图们江边,简简单单地告诉她涉水过去就是中国。
- PUSHING up through the late-winter snows on a hill above Manchuria's Tumen river are scatterings of old burial mounds. 晚冬的积雪覆盖了满洲图们江边的一座小山,也掩没了散落在山中的古墓群。
- In the near future , the Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok. 近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。
- Chapter two, an analysis on the status of development of the tourism industrial clusterin Tumen River Growth Triangle. 第二章,分析图们江增长三角旅游产业集群发展状况。
- Different physical environment in the Tumen River Basin results in the occurrence of diverse wetland types. 图们江流域的自然环境较为复杂,湿地类型丰富,分布广泛。
- This paper describe the phase analysis to subaqueous sediment middle reachesof Tumen River,and pretiminary exploraory to the cause of its formation. 文章对图们江中游水域水底堆积物进行了物相分析,对其成因做了初步探讨,结果表明,该堆积物主要为砂质和部分磁铁矿,粘土矿物较少。
- Meanwhile, YTN reported that North Korean guards crossed into Chinese territory to make two arrests near the Tumen River. 同时,YTN电视台报道说北朝鲜士兵直接进入中国境内接近图们江的地方实施这两次逮捕。
- Peter Reiter has also acted as UNDP Water Resources advisor for the Tumen River Area Development Project in North-east Asia. 其中两个项目已经完成,后续项目实行商业管理。
- But reaching this land of opportunity can be a dangerous trek. And crossing the Tumen River border takes connections and bribes. 不过要抵达这片机会之地可能是一次危险的长途跋涉,而且,穿越图们江边界需要人脉关系和贿赂。
- At present, the international environment opened a development to provide rarehistory opportunity for the big Tumen River district. 当前,国际环境为大图们江区域开放开发提供了难得的历史机遇。
- Tumen River International Information Port has a strong text editor, software development, systems management and marketing team. 图们江国际信息港拥有阵容强大的文字编辑、软件开发、系统管理和市场营销队伍。
- Following Pyongyang's underground nuclear test last October, China beefed up its border security. Undeterred, North Koreans keep on wading the Tumen River. 随着平壤去年十月的地下核试验,中国加强了边界安全。不过朝鲜人并未被吓阻,他们继续涉过图们江。
- It is bound by coastal border area of Russia to the east, and separated by Tumen River with Xianjing Beidao and Liangjiangdao of the North Korea to the South. 东与俄罗斯滨海边疆区接壤,南隔图们江与朝鲜咸镜北道、两江道相望。
- Distribution: in China in the area since the north-east of the Tumen River, Basin, west by the Liaohe River, the Luanhe River, Qinling until the Irtysh River Valley. 分布范围 :在中国的分布区起自东北部的图们江、鸭绿江、松花江流域,向西经辽河、滦河、秦岭直至额尔齐斯河流域。
- South Korean television station YTN and unnamed diplomatic sources said that North Korean guards crossed the Tumen river into Chinese territory to arrest the journalists. 南韩YTN电视台和未透露姓名的外交人士说北朝鲜士兵横过图们江进入中国领土去逮捕这两名记者。