- Tudor aristocracy 都铎贵族
- That expert is an aristocracy of his society. 那个专家是他所在的学会里最权威的人。
- Aristocracy has high social standing. 贵族们有很高的社会地位。
- He married into the French aristocracy. 他因婚姻关系跻身于法国贵族。
- In time of aristocracy, people's fates are not in the hands of themselves. 贵族统治时代人们的命运并不掌握在自己手中。
- Of or relating to the royal house of Tudor. 都铎王室的;与都铎王室有关的
- He objected to the toadying to aristocracy. 他反对对于贵族阶级的奉承。
- Why was Mary Tudor called "bloody Mary"? 为什么玛利都铎被称为“血腥玛利”?
- He plumed himself on belonging to the aristocracy. 他为自己是个贵族而洋洋自得。
- Tudor Rose with her hair in curls. 她卷发上的那朵玫。
- Some of the more haughty of aristocracy did take exception at his neglecting to raise his cap to them. 一些较为傲慢的贵族对于他不记得向他们脱帽致敬大为不满。
- People said the aristocracy was effete. 人们说贵族阶级已是日薄西山了。
- The highest-ranking members of the Spanish aristocracy are the grandees. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公。
- In those days power rested with the aristocracy. 那时候政权掌握在贵族手里。
- In the reign of Henry VIII, the aristocracy's economic strength is enhanced, which in subsequent Tudor internal struggle laid the foundation for the economy. 在亨利八世在位期间,贵族的经济实力得以加强,这为他们在其后的都铎王朝进行内部斗争奠定了经济基础。
- They live in a magnificent Tudor house in the country. 他们住在乡间有一座都铎时代的华宅。
- A member of an aristocracy;an aristocrat. 贵族中的一成员;贵族
- She married into the aristocracy. 她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。
- The Howards and Oriscolls were of this aristocracy. 霍华德和德利斯科尔这两家正是这种名门望族。
- Under the Tudor many English people were transplanted to Ireland. 在都铎王朝时代,许多英格兰人被迫移居爱尔兰。