- Tubo occupation period 盂兰盆会
- Pre~ control can reduce the stock, which shorten the capital occupation period. 事先控制可以减少库存,从而减少资金占用时间。
- The oyster ash industry is an old traditional skill dated back in the Dutch occupation period. 烧蚵灰是台南地区流传久远的传统产业。
- During the Japanese Occupation Period, all the furniture in the Main Building and the books in the library were lost. 日治期间,建筑物为日军所占用,楼内的家俬及图书馆内的书籍全失。
- More discoveries were made at the burnt red-earth area with Blue and White porcelain, hard potter, bullets uncovered. All of which should belong to the Japanese occupation period. 有木炭集中的火烧红土区,另出现青花瓷片、硬陶、子弹等遗物,应属日治时期的遗迹。
- Under such condition, the "Taiwanese new literature" of the Japanese occupation period was rediscovered as literary work with Chinese nationalist tendency. 日据时代的新文学因此被当作具有中国民族主义倾向的作品而重新被发现。
- Guest need a booking during a high occupancy period RSA explain the hotel guaranteed policy to the guest. 在住房率很高的一天客人需要预订房间,预订部销售文员向客人解释酒店的担保政策。
- Discounts should not be extended during peak occupancy periods. 在平季,折扣不应该被顺延执行。
- Riding is her favorite occupation. 骑马是她最喜欢的消遣。
- She is the woman suiting this occupation most. 她是最适合这个职业的人。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The house was adapted for occupation. 这所房子已被改造得可以居住了。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- No one is yet in occupation of the house. 这所房子还没有人住进去。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- I haven't entered your name and occupation yet. 我尚未记下你的名字和职业。
- He consulted the chronicles of the period. 他参考了这一时期的编年史。
- He was bored for lack of occupation. 他因无所事事而感到厌烦。
- He is a bus driver by occupation. 他的职业是公车司机。
- Sewing is considered a female occupation. 缝纫被认为是女性的职业。