- Tubo archeology 吐蕃考古
- Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology. 地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交给考古学。
- He has been studying archeology these thirty years. 他这三十年来一直在研究考古学。
- He studied archeology in college. 他在大学中学习考古学。
- And what better way to dig deeper than through archeology. 而考古是最好的办法。”
- CSCA is the research center focused on Chinese archeology. 北京大学中国考古学研究中心是以研究中国考古学为主的实体学术机构。
- Visit the Museum of Art and Archeology in Pickard Hall. 这个博物馆还是哥伦比亚旅游景点之一。
- Excavated beds in archeology also reflected this process. 考古所见早期床的形制,也反映了这一过程。
- She's giving a paper on Archeology at the National Museum this afternoon. 今天下午她将在国家博物馆宣读一篇关于考古学的论文。
- The Tang-Tubo Alliance Monument marking the meeting for this purpose between Tang and Tubo erected in 823 still stands in the square in front of the Jokhang Monastery. 大昭寺前的广场上还矗立着公元823年为双方会盟建立的“唐蕃会盟碑”。
- Budde ninth king of the Tubo Dynasty total Jie era, Tibetan has been manufacturing metal process. 吐蕃王朝第九代藏王布德共杰时代,藏区已有制造金属的工艺。
- Glad Tidings of the Tubo Dynasty Under auspicious clouds the wise king Songzan Gambo was born, bringing unification and prosperity to the snowy land. 吐蕃王朝的福音吐蕃王朝喜降福音,祥云飘至,贤明君主松赞干布诞生。给雪域带来了统一,带来了繁荣昌盛。
- Tubo Ancient graves: The famous Tang Dynasty Tubo graves is nearby the Dulan county seat Chahanwusu town 10 kilometers away from Reshui. 三)吐蕃墓葬群:著名的唐代吐蕃墓葬群就在距都兰县城察汗乌苏镇10公里处的热水附近。
- Tubo period (7-9 century AD), Qamdo area is the famous “East female country” and Su adjoin the location of the Kingdom. 吐蕃时期(公元7-9世纪),昌都地区是著名的“东女国”和苏毗王国的所在地。
- Mi impegno a tubo in alluminio composito, in PP-R-allineata tubi di acciaio inossidabile e le relative tecnologie di sviluppo. 我公司致力于铝塑复合管,内衬不锈钢PP-R管及相关的技术开发。
- Principale deposito di carta Oike Giappone, Kim, muti oro, argento, argento stupido tubo adatto per i prodotti cosmetici. 烫金纸主营日本尾池产品,金、哑金、银、哑银等适合于化妆品软管。
- She was worshipped by Songzan Gambo, the Tubo king in the 7th century, and later by the Esoteric Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. 公元7世纪为吐蕃赞普松赞干布供奉的本尊,后为全藏佛教密宗本尊。
- The age of the Dali man found in 1978 is always the focus question in archeology and geology. 自1978年大荔人发现以来,大荔人的年龄问题一直是地学考古界研究的焦点。
- I nostri prodotti, compresi quelli industriali tubo di tessitura, di stoffa Gu Yi rete, come ad esempio tubo morsetto Road dimensioni specifiche. 我们生产的产品包括工业编织管,蛇骨网布,钳道管等各种大小规格。
- The analysis of dyes in textile is always an important topic in the study on printing,dyeing,archeology and lawcourt. 织品上染料的分析一直是印染、考古、司法鉴定等领域进行科学探讨和研究的重要课题之一。