- Tu Fu poetry 杜甫诗
- Li Po and Tu Fu were contemporary. 李白和杜甫是同时代的人。
- Swallow is a commonly-used creature imago in TU Fu's poetry,which can be respectively described in states of political ideality,aesthetic significance and moral ideality. 在杜甫诗歌中,燕子是一种用得比较多的动物意象,可以把它描述为政治理想状态下的燕子、审美意义状态下的燕子和道德理想状态下的燕子。
- I consider it a rare honor since, under the same cover, there are names of such great poets as Li Po and Tu Fu. 能同李白、杜甫这样伟大诗人的名字出现在同一个封面下,对我来说当然是一种难得的殊荣。
- There have been several papers on the symbolic meaning of falcons in Tu Fu's poetry.This paper tries to point out the significance of this topic that hasn't been explored. 摘要讨论杜甫诗中所写鸷鸟的几篇论文已有可观的成绩,本文除了提出尚未被前述文章论及的独特面向外,还补充了未被充分探究的部分。
- I am fond of poems by Tu Fu. 我喜爱杜甫的诗。
- Curious, Hung-chien pulled out a drawer and opened one of the cards.At the top of one card he saw the two characters "Tu Fu" written lengthwise in red ink.Underneath a heading was written in purple ink followed by the text in tiny characters in blue ink. 鸿渐好奇,拉开一只抽屉,把卡片一拨,只见那张片子天头上红墨水横写着“杜甫”两字,下面紫墨水写的标题,标题以后,蓝墨水细字的正文。
- Through the descriptions of the swallow,TU Fu presented his intrapersonal changes and experiences during the course of pursuing his individual political ideality and moral ideality. 杜甫在诗歌中对燕子的吟诵,勾画出了他在个人政治理想追求和士人道德理想追求过程中的内心变化和心路历程。
- On thoughts and style of Li Bais Yue Fu poetry 试论李白乐府诗歌的思想风格
- Political Partita: Xie Ling-yun's Yue Fu Poetry 政治变奏曲:谢灵运的乐府诗
- Fu poetry in prose style of the Han 汉散体赋
- Wang Yucheng--the First Person Who Advocated Tu Fu in Song Dynasty 王禹偁--两宋尊杜第一人
- On the Tu Fu poetics in Qing dynasty and its implication 论清代杜诗学对后世的启迪
- The Imitations and Conversions of Yang Xiong's Fu Poetry 试论扬雄赋的模拟与转型
- Sima Xiangru: Sage of Fu Poetry Produced in the Early Han Dynasty 司马相如:汉初社会经济孕育的“赋圣”
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- A deep melancholy runs through her poetry. 她的诗中贯穿著悲伤的情调。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- Her poetry has an elegiac quality. 她的诗有伤感的情调。