- Tsuchimoto Noriaki 土本典昭(1928-),日本人,导演。
- A decade later, TSUCHIMOTO's voice-over explanation was added onto the sound track. 10年后,导演加入当时的旁白解释才正式完成了这部影片。
- The Atlanta Falcons have signed wide receiver-return specialist NORIAKI KINOSHITA, a native of Osaka, Japan, the club announced today. 亚特兰大猎鹰队日前宣布,他们签下了日本球员木下典明(Noriaki Kinoshita)。木下出生于大阪,在球队中司职外接手和回攻手。
- Noriaki,Y Joei,M Takeo.Process for the production of a silver coated copper powder and conductive coating composition[P].US:4 652 465,1987-5-24. 梁浩;解芳.;镀银铜粉导电填料对复合型导电涂料性能影响的研究[J]
- By inter-cutting his visit and interviews, juxtaposing them with quotes from TSUCHIMOTO, this film attempts to explore the man, his works and his times. 本片随著大师回到当地,并到大师住所特制的工作室,静静地听著大师侃侃而谈他的作品以及他的生活。
- Maki TANAKA, Noriaki MARU and Fumio MIYAZAKI,”3-D Tracking of a Moving Object by an Active Stereo Vision System”,Faculty of Engineering Science,Osaka University. 林重甫,”智慧型车辆之自动视觉导航系统”国立交通大学硕士论文,93年7月。
- Tsuchimoto's vision and words as an interviewer feel calm and precise, leading us into a world in which the filmmaker and the subjects support each other. 土本的视线及采访,既沉着又细腻,把我们带入一个拍摄者和被拍摄者相互支撑的世界中去。
- Hideo Mori, Shinji Kotani, and Noriaki Kiyohiro, “A Robotic Travel Aid “HITOMI” ”, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ/GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol.3, pp.1716-1723, 1994. 徐肇鸿,导盲机器人之路径规划与控制,国立交通大学电机与控制工程系硕士论文,民国88年。
- Regarded as no less cinematic as Scorsese's film of the same title, this film exhibits TSUCHIMOTO's great potentials and led Japanese documentary filmmaking in the 1960's to a new beginning. 土本典昭的纪录行动为日本60年代纪录片开启了新的纪元,为土本典昭第一部受到关注之作。
- Accompanied by the calm narration by Tsuchimoto himself, the film discovered a human view of the world in which the patients, more than being victims, are also normal people, workers and fishermen. 伴随着土本本人平静的叙述,影片揭示了一种人的视点:这个世界中的病人,不仅仅是受害者,他们更是正常的人,工人,和渔民。
- Fujisawa Noriaki 藤泽典明(1916-),日本人,画家。
- Wakao Noriaki 若尾法昭(1930-),日本人,化学教授。
- Tsuchimoto 土本
- Watase Noriaki 渡濑宪明
- Noriaki 则明