- Bring it all back to you. Try not to worry about a thing 不要再担心什么
- Try not to worry about a thing 不必担心任何事情
- Not to worry about the operation, you won't feel a thing. 你不用担心这个手术你会没事的,没什么感觉的。
- This time think of somewhere new to visit,with new friends. Throw an informal party on Tuesday,them take it easy and try not to worry about personal problems. 这会儿想想和一些新朋友去参观某个没有去过的地方;周二再办个气氛随便的舞会;然后放松放松,尽量不去为一些个人问题操心。
- This time think of somewhere new to visit, with new friends. Throw an informal party on Tuesday, them take it easy and try not to worry about personal problems. 这会儿想想和一些新朋友去参观某个没有去过的地方;周二再办个气氛随便的舞会;然后放松放松,尽量不去为一些个人问题操心。
- God: You are not to worry about making a living. 你不应该担心如何才能生存下来。
- Do not worry about a thing, I will be there. 什么都不用担心,我会到场的。
- Try not to worry bout a thing. 努力不为任何事情担忧,
- The matron told me not to worry about the operation. 护士长告诉我不要为手术担心。
- A housewife has to worry about a lot of housework. 身为家庭主妇,每天都要为一些家事操神。
- Singin: dont worry about a thing - I wont worry! 唱啊:不该担心的事情,我惯于担心!
- He told us not to worry about him. 他让我们不要为他着急。
- Don't worry about a thing, Kathy. 凯西,一点也不用担心。
- Tell John not to worry about false imprisonment. 告诉私家侦探不用担心非法拘押。
- The matrontold me not to worry about the operation. 护士长告诉我不要为手术担心。
- Christina: So he told us not to worry about it. 克里斯蒂娜:所以他告诉我们不必担心那个.
- I shouldn't worry about a thing like that at your age. 我在你这个年纪,可不为这样的事犯愁。
- If you sense that your toddler’s bashfulness is more than a stage, try not to worry. 其实不光是害羞,很多孩子不好的习惯,父母都可以帮助克服。
- She forced a smile reluctantly and told me not to worry about her. 她勉强地挤出一丝笑容,告诉我不要担心她。
- It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about. 这只是蚊虫咬伤,没有什么可担心的。