- Any organisation wishing to seek recognition as an approved charitable institution or trust of a public character should submit the following documents to the Department:- a. 任何机构如想获本局承认为属公共性质的慈善机构或信托团体,必须递交下列文件和资料
- Property bequeathed for the benefit in Hong Kong to any charitable institution or trust of a public character, or to Government for charitable purposes is allowed as a deduction. D. 遗给香港属公共性质的慈善机构或信托团体,或遗给政府作慈善用途的财产,在计算遗产税时可获扣除。
- A copy of approval from Inland revenue Department certifying that your organisation and beneficiary is / are an approved charitable institution and trust of a public character registered under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. 税务局发出的认可信副本一份,以证明贵机构/受益团体是根据《税务条例》第88条注册的认可慈善团体或公共信?机构。
- The List of Approved Charitable Institutions and Trusts of a public character and the information pamphlet on charities are also available on our Home Page. 市民可浏览本局网页,查阅认可慈善机构及信托团体名单及有关慈善团体的资料小册子。
- donation of money to charitable institution or trust of a public character 捐与公共性质慈善机构或信托团体的款项
- The applicant should be registered under the Societies Ordinance or incorporated under the Companies Ordinance or formed by statute or registered on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character. 申请团体必须已根据社团条例或公司条例注册立案,或已根据法例成立,或已注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体。
- Trust of a public character 属公共性质的信托
- A Tax Guide for Charitable Institutions and Trusts of a Public Character 属公共性质的慈善机构及信托团体的税务指南
- Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character; 注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体的证书;
- There is a public enclosure of a racecourse. 那儿有个作赛马场的公共圈地。
- Certificate of registration on the list of approved charitable institutions or trusts of a public character 注册为认可慈善机构或公共性质的信托团体的证书
- The treasury of a public institution. 金库一个公共机构的金库
- She put herself into their hands with the trust of a little child. 她象小孩儿一样,一切让大家替她作主。
- The keeper of a public house or tavern. 酒店或小酒馆的老板
- Went through the charade of a public apology. 做虚伪的公开道歉。
- Evidence of a public health risk is found on board. 船上发现公共卫生风险的证据。
- Right of the owner of a piece of land to use a public road which is next to the land. 一块土地的所有权人使用靠近其土地公路的权利。
- The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man. 因此,对一个从事社会活动的人来讲,培养一种嗜好和新的情趣方式,乃是至关重要的对策。
- A payment over the listed price of a ticket for a public event. 黑市票为看一场公演所付的比票价高的金额
- The readers of a publication considered as a group. 出版物的读者群被认作是一个整体。