- Trichophyton fischeri 费希尔(氏)发癣菌
- The corpus striatum of Onychodactylus fischeri is paleostriatum. 爪鲵的纹状体属于古纹状体。
- Cultural growth was identified as Trichophyton mentagrophytes,diagnosed as kerion with tinea corporis. 根据培养镜下形态和鉴别试验鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。诊断为脓癣伴体癣。
- Method HE-staining method was used to describe the characters of the telencephalon of Onychodactylus fischeri. 方法 采用脊椎动物神经标本制作技术和常规HE染色法。
- Dermatophytes which produced an infection to laboratory animal are mainly Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum and Microsporum canis. 引起实验动物皮肤真菌病的病原菌主要是须毛癣菌(Trichonphyton mentagrophyton),石膏样小孢子菌(Microsporum gypseum),犬小孢子菌(Microsporum canis)。
- Isolated pathogens included 29 (80.6%) strains of Microsporum canis and 7 (19.4%) strains of Trichophyton mentagrophyte. 结果 : 36例患者按要求完成试验 ;病原菌包括犬小孢子菌 2 9株 (80 .;6%25 );须癣毛癣菌 7株 (19
- The terpenoid glycosides are major chemical constituents of the Ligularia fischeri, in addition that monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, peptides et al. 蹄叶橐吾所含化学成分主要是三萜皂甙,此外还含其它萜类、肽类等;
- A chronic skin infection, usually of the scalp, caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton and characterized by the development of thick, yellow crusts over the hair follicles. 黄癣一种慢性皮肤传染病,通常发生在头皮,由发癣菌属的细菌引起,特点是发囊上形成厚而黄的硬皮
- To study the contents of trace elements and vitamins in wild and cultural Ligularia fischeri and its tender stem at Changbai mountain region. 研究长白山区野生蹄叶橐吾和种植蹄叶橐吾及其嫩茎中维生素和多种微量元素的含量。
- "Thriving in the warm, moist environment created by shoes and socks, this fungus [Trichophyton mentagrophytes] is a common cause of athlete's foot. “真菌在鞋袜营造的温暖而潮湿的环境中繁殖兴旺,这种真菌(须毛癣菌)正是造成脚癣最常见的一个原因。”
- The results showed that Aster.tataricus L.f.and Ligularia fischeri contained rich necessary trace elements and has high medical value. 结果表明:紫菀和山紫菀含有丰富的人体必需的微量元素,具有较高的药用价值。
- Results The results showed that during this decade the prominent pathogenic fungus was Trichophyton rubrum, but its ratio gradually decreased. 结果发现10年间较易治疗的皮肤癣菌比例下降,而较难治疗的酵母菌和霉菌比例升高。
- Eight trace elements of Aster.tataricus L.f. and Ligularia fischeri were determined with atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 用原子吸收分光光度法测定了紫菀和山紫菀中8种微量元素的含量。
- A chronic skin infection,usually of the scalp,caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton and characterized by the development of thick,yellow crusts over the hair follicles. 黄癣一种慢性皮肤传染病,通常发生在头皮,由发癣菌属的细菌引起,特点是发囊上形成厚而黄的硬皮。
- Chemical constituents isolated from the genus Ligularia fischeri and pharmacological activities related to the compounds from Ligularia fischeri are summarized in this review. 对国内外学者分离到的化学成分及其药理活性的研究结果作一综述,为该属植物资源的进一步研究和开发提供参考。
- Fingernail sp ecimen"s culture results showed that Trichophyton rubrum grew on Sabouraud"s dex trose agar and Pityrosporum ovale grew on the medium containing rapeseed oil. 指甲培养结果发现在沙堡培养基有红色毛癣菌生长,在含菜子油培养基有卵形糠秕孢子菌生长。
- Slide 3-10 Fourteen year old Uyghur school girl from kashi City area (Xinjiang province,west China) with tinea capitis and tinea corporis due to Trichophyton violaceum. 幻灯3-10由堇色毛癣菌引起的头癣和体癣。患者14岁,为中国新疆喀什地区的维吾尔族女生。
- Slide 6-9 This is a case of onychia, involving the toenails, that was caused by Candida albicans. Again note how this case resembles a Trichophyton rubrum infection of toenails. 幻灯6-9这是由白念珠菌引起的甲床炎,累及趾甲。请再次注意,该患者与红色毛癣菌感染的趾甲非常相似。
- The main pathogenic fungi was Microsporum canis 22(43.14),followed by Trichophyton violaceum 17(33.33),Trichophyton tinea sycosis 8(15.69),and Trichophyton tonsurans 4(7.84). 主要病原菌为犬小孢子菌22例(43.;14%25)、紫色毛癣菌17例(33
- Slide 3-14 This is a dermatophytic infection of the face caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. The rather unusual clinical picture resulted from the use of steroids. 幻灯3-14此病例显示须癣毛癣菌所致的面部感染,由于应用了皮质类固醇激素,使其临床特征极不常见。