- Trematocarpus pygmaeusn. 矮孔果藻
- All of its patients are from the endangered Borneo species of orangutans, the Pongo Pygmaeus. 该医院全球仅此一家,看护对象不是人类的小宝宝,而是濒危的红毛猩猩幼仔(见图)。
- Most phylogenetic analyses concur that it is from Sivapithecus that the living orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is descended. 大多数系谱分析的结论都指出,现生的红毛猩猩(Pongopygmaeus)是从西瓦猿演化出来的。
- An arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus)of Borneo and Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish - brown coat, very long arms, and no tail. 猩猩一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- An arboreal anthropoid ape (Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra having a shaggy reddish-brown coat very long arms and no tail. 猩猩:一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- An arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish-brown coat, very long arms, and no tail. 猩猩一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- Toti, a five-day-old male baby orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) from Borneo, lies at an animal hospital in Taman Safari Park in Bogor, west Java August 9, 2005. 出生才满5天的婆罗洲红毛猩猩躺在印尼西爪哇的动物医院里。
- Species (Pongo pygmaeus, family Pongidae) of diurnal, mostly arboreal great ape, found only in the lowland swamp forests of Borneo but originally in the jungles of South Asia as well. 学名为Pongo pygmaeus。猩猩科栖息于树上的昼行性大型类人猿,现只分布于婆罗洲低地沼泽森林,但从前亦生活于东南亚大陆的丛林中。
- an arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra,having a shaggy reddish-brown coat,very long arms,and no tail 一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- orangutang: An arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish-brown coat, very long arms, and no tail. 猩猩:一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- orangutan: An arboreal anthropoid ape (Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra, having a shaggy reddish-brown coat, very long arms, and no tail. 猩猩:一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾
- Acompocoris pygmaeusn. 小淡脉花蝽
- Pongo pygmaeus 猩猩
- Procyon pygmaeusn. 科岛浣熊
- Neotragus pygmaeusn. 小岛羚
- Acrobates pygmaeusn. 树顶袋貂
- Hipposideros pygmaeusn. 吕宋蹄蝠
- Nycticebus pygmaeusn. 小蜂猴
- Cyclosonis pygmaeusn. 矮毛蕨
- Cyperus pygmaeusn. 矮莎草