- Treatment for Chinese Medicine 中医药治疗
- Seventhly, international exchange and cooperation for Chinese Medicine have been further promoted. 七是继续推进中医药国际交流与合作。
- In the meantime, as a traditional Chinese medicine, Celosia cristata L. is usually used as a kind of treatment for... 但作为中药材,鸡冠花仍局限于治疗止血、止带等妇科失血症,而且临床用量逐年减少。鸡冠花药用价值的开发问题值得进一步讨论。
- Objective: 1.To approach the availability and predominance of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for Degenerative Knee Osteoarthritis. 研究目的1.;探讨中医中药在膝骨性关节炎治疗干预方面的有效性和优势;
- There is a thriving demand for Chinese medicinal herbs in this area. 该地区对中药材的需求很旺盛。
- We will now examine the case for establishing an Institute for Chinese Medicine which will focus on applied research. 我们会着手研究是否要成立中医药科研中心,集中进行有关应用方面的研究。
- This pantropical, annual weed is a forage grass and is used for Chinese medicine. 这根泛热带,一年生草本的杂草是一块饲料草地并且用于中药。
- I'm having treatment for my lumbago. 我腰痛正在治疗中。
- In ancient China, a wandering doctor of Chinese medicine would carry a gourd, which was the sign for Chinese medicine. Why so? There was a story. 古时候的游方郎中无论走到哪里,身上都要背着个葫芦。把葫芦作为行医的招牌,为什么行医要背葫芦呢?这还有个来历。
- The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong,established in September 1999,is responsible for devising and implementing regulatory measures for Chinese medicine. 香港中医药管理委员会于一九九九年九月成立,负责制定和推行措施,规管中医药。
- Prevention of or protective treatment for disease. 预防对疾病的防止或保护性处理
- Take forward proposals aimed at establishing Hong Kong as the international centre for Chinese medicine, including the setting up of an Institute for Chinese Medicine. 跟进有关推动香港成为国际中医药中心的目标,包括成立中医药科研中心的建议。
- The Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong, established in September 1999, is responsible for devising and implementing regulatory measures for Chinese medicine. 香港中医药管理委员会于一九九九年九月成立,负责制定和推行措施,规管中医药。
- It is using the healthy placenta and many kinds of high quality raw materials for chinese medicine scientific formula after modern biological technology project fine manufacture. 人胎素口服液由健康胎盘和多味优质药材科学组方,经现代生物技术工程精制而成。
- The Chinese medicine is indicated for the treatment of stomachache. 本品为中药;对胃病的治疗疗效显著。
- What is the correct medical treatment for shock? 在医学上怎样处理休克才对?
- Dr. Hall is studying a new treatment for polio. 贺尔医师正在研究小儿麻痹症的新治疗法。
- Everyone in his family had a craze for Chinese food. 他家人人酷爱中国食品。
- It is withdraws from the healthy placenta concentration, Coordinates many kinds of high quality raw materials for chinese medicine scientific formula, after modern biological technology project fine manufacture. 激活胎盘素冲剂系由健康胎盘和多味优质药材科学组方,经现代生物技术工程精制而成。