- Travel Time System 旅行时间系统
- This new tunnel saves a lot of travel time. 这座新隧道节省了我们通车的时间。
- This signature is changed and broadened with travel time. 这个信号随旅行时间的变化而展宽。
- Horseman 100 -2 days travel time on stable trips (min. 1 day). 骑师100减少2天骑马旅行的时间(最低为1天)。
- We will need to allow for travel time in the schedule. 我们必须考虑到行程表中的旅游时间。
- Forecast of first-class time parameters such as truck's travel time and shovel's loading time is an important problem for truck dispatching system in open-pit mines. 道路运行时间、电铲装车时间等一类时间参数的预测是露天矿卡车调度系统中的一个重要问题。
- The new bus service cuts the travelling time by half. 新的公共汽车交通服务使运行时间减少了一半。
- This paper realizes a kind of multicomputer real time system applied to RFSS. 本文提出并实现了一种应用于RFSS的多机实时通讯系统。
- Windows NT can be used in real time systems. 窗口新台币能在真正的时间系统中被用。
- The Concorde has halved travel time between some of world's major cities. 协和式飞机把来往于世界一些大城市之间的飞行时间缩短了一半。
- Four criteria are used to evaluate the performance of rescheduling operation: (1) the average travel time; (2) the load factor difference; (3) the number of delayed trains; and (4) the total delay time of system. 而运转整理策略包含:站间赶点与月台赶点之赶点策略、抓前车与抓后车之间距控制策略、及删除列车策略。
- Shev-tov Levi, Ashok K. Agrawala, "Real Time System Design", McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. 胡竹生、尹燕陶,即时多工核心程式设计,第二版,全华图书公司,1995年9月。
- The time system of a language is jointly shown by its time noun, time adverb, tense particle, localizer and relevant syntactic structures. 一种语言的时间系统是通过时间名词、间副词、时态助词、位词及其相关的句法结构共同表现出来的。
- Explorer 100 All travel times reduced by 1 day (min. 1 day). 探险者100所有旅行时间减少1天(最低为1天)。
- The manufacturing company has introduced a Just in Time system of distribution. Briefly explain what is meant by Just in Time distribution. 该企业在产品分销中引入了准时制系统。请简要解释准时制分销。
- A computer algorithm is used to find the minimum travel time between all consumer nodes and all bank locations. 利用计算机程序找出所有消费者点和所有银行点间的最少往来时间。
- The new jet service cuts the travelling time by half. 新喷气式客机减少了一半旅行的时间。
- The viewpoint of reai time system needs the function of fault olerance has been approved widely by the researchers in the domain of eal time system and fault tolerance. 实时系统需要具备容错功能的观点,已经被实时与容错这两个领域的研究者所广泛认同?
- Depending on the problem, the cost may represent distance, travel time, or some other measure. 根据问题的不同,成本可能表示距离、旅行时间或一些其它测量单位。
- This real time system was processing the image on FPGA, achieving a satisfying result of transform, zoom and eddy of the image and display on VGA displayer. 该设计通过FPGA对输入图像的实时运算实现对图像的缩放、平移、旋转等变换,并在VGA监视器上显示,为图像识别、跟踪提供背景模拟。