- Transvesal impact Toughness 横向冲击韧性
- It was shown that the impact toughness of HAZ is 50% of base metal. 结果表明,该钢的焊接热影响区的冲击韧性较母材降低50%25以上;
- The Influence of Heat Treatment Technology on the Impact Toughness and Hardness of White Cast Iron With Low Cr and Cu. 热处理工艺对低铬铜白口铸铁冲击韧性和硬度的影响
- With the addition of EPDM and MMT, the notched impact toughness of PET was greatly improved. EPDM及增容剂的引入都较大程度地改善了复合材料的缺口冲击强度。
- The effect of the radius of the curvature on the impact toughness of POM and the toughened TPU blend was studied. 研究了缺口曲率半径对纯POM以及TPU增韧体系冲击韧性的影响;
- The effect of RE and heat treatment on eutectic carbide morphology and impact toughness of white cast iron was studied. 研究了稀土变质与热处理对白口铸铁的共晶碳化物形貌及冲击韧度的影响。
- The mechanical properties are another impoetant side and their kernal is impact toughness. 熔敷金属的力学性能是自保护药芯焊丝研制过程中的重要方面,其中韧性是核心问题。
- It shows the impact toughness and ductility of AISI 304 were not affected by repeated weld-repairs. 检视低温冲击值及侧膨胀量,发现多次修焊后材料并未明显转脆,且延展性仍符合规范之要求。
- Vinylon fibre can improve the bending strength, fracture energy, fracture toughness and impact toughness. 维尼纶纤维能提高复合材料的杭折强度、断裂能、断裂韧性和冲击韧度;
- The austempering in salt bath can increase the impact toughness and wear resistance of the high alloy white cast iron. 盐浴等温淬火可提高高合金白口铸铁的冲击韧性及耐磨损性能。
- With increasing austempering temperature, the impact toughness and hardness of the high alloy white cast iron decrease. 随着盐浴等温淬火温度的提高,高合金白口铸铁冲击韧性、硬度有所下降。
- Its hardness is 63-65 HRC, its impact toughness is over 14J/cm2, its hardness balance on the roll surface is smaller than 2 HRC. 高速钢轧辊硬度达63-65HRC,辊面硬度差小于2HRC,冲击韧性大于14J/cm2。
- Experimental results showed that Carbon/Glass hybrid could increase the impact toughness,while Carbon/Kevlar hybrid could increase the toughness index. 若将玻璃纤维(G_纤)或Kevlar纤维(K_纤)代替部分碳纤维,即制成C/G,C/K混杂复合材料,在不太损失其它性能的前提下可以大大提高CFRP的冲击韧性[1][2]。 实验证明,混杂化是改善CFRP韧性的一个切实可行的途径。
- By purifying the alloy melt, refining matrix grain and carbide, it is possible to increase the impact toughness of the Cr-alloyed white cast iron. 通过净化合金液,细化基体晶粒,细化碳化物可使铬合金白口铸铁的冲击韧性提高。
- Low carbon bainitic steel is a new kind of structural steel for its excellent low-temperature impact toughness and welding property. 低碳贝氏体型非调质钢是一种新型钢种,具有良好的低温冲击韧性和焊接性能。
- The results show that the impact toughness of white cast iron is improved and the grain is refined after the modification. 结果表明,经优选的复合变质剂处理的白口铸铁晶粒细化,冲击韧度有较大的提高。
- The results show that RE additive may improve considerably the impact toughness and has little effect on har dness of steel T10. 试验表明,在T(10)钢中添加稀土元素对硬度没有明显的影响,但能显著改善该钢的冲击韧性。
- Static compress strength, impact toughness and thermal impact toughness as well as the surface morphology of the obtained diamonds were tested. 在间接加热腔体结构中,金刚石生长过程采用两种压力、功率梯度进行合成,合成后对所得的样品进行了静压强度、冲击强度、表面形貌检测。
- The results showed that the plate had high strength and low temperature impact toughness and good lamellar tearing resistant property and was weldable. 试验表明抗层状撕裂钢板具有高强度、高低温韧性、易焊接以及良好的抗层状撕裂性能,产品实物质量优于国家标准要求,满足了用户的特殊需求。