- Transformation of urban road 城市道路改造
- Combined with the transformation of urban green space and road construction, building green channel to evacuate. 结合城市道路绿地的改造和建设,建设绿色疏散通道。
- The length of urban roads increased by 480 km in three years. 城市道路总长3年增加了480公里。
- Five aspects of urban road humanization design are mentioned. 道路横断面设计;
- Application of urban road transformed of retaining wall of the posture of the door 门架式挡土口在城市道路改造中的应用
- This article based on the function of urban road landscape, is the summarization of landscape design principle. 本文从城市道路景观功能的角度出发,对城市道路的景观设计原则进行了总结。
- This could be referred to as a rise in the theatricality of urban space or the transformation of daily life events into theatrical performances. 对此,我们可视之为都市空间的剧场化,或者称之为都市生活的演剧化现象。
- The thesis discuss several designing principles of urban road greening based on present situation of urban road greening. 通过了解目前城市道路绿化设计的现状,对城市道路绿化设计原则进行探讨。
- Following introduction on status of urban road traffic noise and its perniciousness,recent progresses in urban traffic noise assessment were browsed. 在分析城市道路交通噪声现状的主要危害的基础上,较全面介绍了国内外城市道路交通噪声评价方法的最新进展。
- Small world model provides a new aspect and method for exploring the topological structure and intrinsic characters of urban road network. 小世界模型为研究城市道路网络的拓扑结构和内在特征等提供了新的视角和方法。
- In view of traffic flow of urban road intersections, it gives a model in Real-time multi-phase of the intelligent traffic signal control with CPN. 针对城市道路交叉口的交通流特性,用CPN对单路口交通信号多相位实时控制进行建模。
- The transformation of that project has been finished. 那个项目的改造已经完成。
- The novel is a searing indictment of urban poverty. 这部小说是对城市贫困的震撼心灵的控诉。
- This program aims to nurture talents who are capable of design, construction, scientific research and management of urban road, airport road and bridge (tunnel). 通过培养,毕业生能够胜任城市道路和机场道路及桥梁(隧道)设计、施工、科研及建设管理工作。
- Decomposition or transformation of a compound caused by heat. 热解化用,高温分解由于热量而导致的化合物的分解或转化
- This algorithm serves as a measure for the atomatic judgement of urban road congestion and the expansional utility of intelligent transportation facilities in urban areas. 这类算法的应用既为城市道路拥堵的自动判断提供了手段,又使得城市中所使用的智能交通设施发挥更广泛的作用。
- Real estate development is one of the driving forces behind the transformation of urban renewal, but also shoulder the rebuilding cities and gonadal function in specific regions of the task. 房地产开发是城市更新改造的动力之一,同时也承担着重塑城市特定区域功能和性腺个的重任。
- Yet, it is only by reaching out to the cultural transformation of urban life as proposed by ecological thinkers and activists that urban social movements can transcend their limits of localism. 然而,只有如社会生态学思想家和激进主义分子所提议,通过城市生活的文化变革,城市社会运动才可以超越他们地方主义的界限。
- Generations of urban living sharpened their wits. 世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。
- Jealousy is a strange transformer of characters. 忌妒是改变性格的奇怪因素。