- Transfer station efficiency 迁站效率
- Dongdan station is a transfer station. 东单站是个换乘站。
- Construction and operation of refuse transfer station. 建造和营办垃圾转运站。
- We finally arrived at the transfer station and had a rest. 总算到了中转站,我们可以歇息一下了。
- It took Lily a long time to find the transfer station. 莉莉花了很长时间才找到换乘站。
- Assist supervisor to run the station efficiently. 协助上级有效开展工作。
- The company also provides pollution monitoring control tests, as well as serving as a refuse transfer station. 除作为转运站外,该公司并监察环境污染问题。
- Haidianhuangzhuang is a transfer station, passagers for Line4 please get ready to get off. 海淀黄庄是换乘车站,换乘地铁4号线的乘客,请您准备下车。
- Chaoyangmen is a transfer station, passengers for Line 6 please proceed to the lower platform. 朝阳门 是换乘车站,有换乘地铁 6 号线的乘客,请前往下层月台候车。
- Rational distribution of city waste transfer station can save a lot of garbage transit costs. 城市垃圾中转站的合理布局可以节省大量垃圾转运成本。
- Specifically designed to increase the performance of loaders and/or compactors in rugged transfer station application. 具体来说,旨在提高装载机和/或压实机在崎岖的转运站应用的性能。
- The next station is SIHUI East, the transfer station for line 1. Please get ready for your arrival. 列车运行前方是四惠东站;换乘地铁1号线请做好准备.
- The technique of boiler s sultry running is described in the article which is used in a oil transfer station in Talimu Oil Field. 锅炉憋压运行技术的研究是基于工程热力学理论、流体力学理论和传热学理论。
- The next station is Huairou ,please get ready for your arrival.Huairou is a transfer station,passengers for train 6466 please prepar to get off. 列车运行前方是怀柔站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备,怀柔站是换乘车站,换乘6466次的旅客请在怀柔站下车。
- This train is bound for GAOQIAO West.The next station is Drum Tower,the transfer station for Line 2.Please get ready for your arrival. 乘客们,本次列车开往高桥西。列车前方停靠鼓楼站,需要下车和换乘地铁2号线的乘客,请提前做好准备。
- To enhance DC members knowledge on waste management facilities in Hong Kong, a site visit to Island West Transfer Station was also organised on the same day after the seminar. 环保会同时为区议员安排参观港岛西废物转运站的活动,藉此加深他们对本港废物处理设施的认识。
- Engineering design of Chongming Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station in Shanghai was introduced It is the first transfer station adopting vertical compacting process in China. 介绍了上海市崇明垃圾中转站的工程设计。这是我国首例采用竖直式压缩中转工艺的中转站。
- The next station is Chongwenmen, please get ready for your arrival. Chongwenmen is the transfer station, passagers for Line2 please be ready to get off. 列车运行前方是崇文门站,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。崇文门是换乘车站,去往北京站、前门的乘客,请您在崇文门站下车,换乘地铁2号线列车。
- An optimum scheme of transfer station for inclined surface mining deposit of combined haulage system in different mining period is given by using dunamin programming. 提出了倾斜矿床露天开采联合运输时用动态规划法选择露天矿各开采时期转载站设置的最佳方案。
- Next station is Chaoyangmen, please get ready for your arrival. Chaoyangmen is a transfer station, passengers for Line 6 please proceed to the lower platform. 列车运行前方是朝阳门站,有在朝阳门站下车的乘客,请提前做好准备。朝阳门是换乘车站,有换乘地铁6号线的乘客,请前往下层月台候车。