- Training Ground Station Module 训练地面站模块
- JSTARS Radar Ground Station Module 联合监视目标攻击雷达系统
- The train ground to a halt only inches from the damaged bus. 火车缓慢地停下来时离损坏了的公共汽车只有几英寸的距离。
- Ground Station Module 地面站舱
- Interim Ground Station Module 临时地面站机舱
- Light Ground Station Module 轻型地面站指令舱
- The training ground is over there. 训练场在那边。
- The battle field became their training ground. 战场成了他们的练兵场。
- The battlefield became their training ground. 战场成了他们的练兵
- Ferguson in the Carrington training ground joked with a smile. 弗格森在卡林顿训练场笑着开玩笑说。
- Lei-Lei: Are you the one searching for a new training ground? 中国僵尸):你就是那个寻找新训练场的人吗?
- The slave unit is located at the ground stations. 附属装置安装在地面台。
- A train grinding along rusty rails. 火车在生锈的铁轨上随着刺耳的摩擦声前行
- Juventus' Champions League clash against Zenit St Petersburg could be called off after a grenade exploded near a metro station close to the Russian team's training ground. 尤文图斯冠军联赛对阵圣彼得堡泽尼特可能被取消后,手榴弹爆炸附近的地铁站靠近俄罗斯队的训练场地。
- The research laboratory is the natural training ground in experimental physics. 对于实验物理来说,研究实验室才是理所当然的训练场所。
- The ability to access satellite systems reduces ground station dependence and protects against jamming and direct tracking attempts. 能接入卫星系统的能力,减少了它对地面台站的依赖性,并可避免敌方干扰和直接跟踪。
- He sought to make the public school a training ground for democratic life. 他力求使公立学校的训练场民主生活。
- The team coach then carried them into the Cobham training ground at 3.45. 之后球队在主教练的带领下于3:45分入驻了科巴姆训练基地。
- The read/write device for AT88RF256 RFID card with 125 kHz low frequency is introduced. This device is based on PIC16 microcontroller and AT-RFMOD06 base station module of Beijing William company. 介绍采用北京威利姆兴公司AT-RFMOD06系列射频基站模块结合PIC16型单片机开发的适用于125khz低频的AT88RF256型射频卡读写器。
- The great staircase in the training ground is too high to climb over. 训练场上那个大爬梯太高了,很难爬。