- We master our methodology and our trading rules. 我们已经精通和掌握我们的交易系统和规则;
- It operates a system of trade rules. 它运作一套贸易规则的系统。
- In 1960, Donchian reduced this philosophy to what he called his “weekly trading rule. 1960年,唐奇安把他的理念浓缩成“周线交易原则。”
- The regulator of thepower market should induct and restrict the Gencos" biding behave form aspect ofmarket trade rule. 市场监管部门应该从交易规则层面上对发电商的报价进行引导和制约。
- The new world trade rules will be in force next year. 新的世界贸易协议明年生效。
- The relation of environment and trade includes the relation of trade activity and environment,and the relation of trade rule and environment. 环境与贸易的主要关系问题包括贸易活动本身与环境的关系问题,以及贸易规则与环境的关系问题。
- Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you. 让你每根骨头的骨髓里都渗透一套对你有用的交易规则。
- We take a sabbatical from trading to develop and research our trading rules. 我们暂停交易去研究和发展我们的交易规则。
- It is the only international organization that negotiates trade rules. 该组织是唯一商讨贸易原则的国际性组织。
- The analyst combines a set of objective trading rules (usually in a formula or algorithm). 分析员组合一套客观的交易规则(通常有一个公式或算法)。
- The Turtles had to have trading rules, but without entrepreneurial savvy they were doomed. 海龟们必须拥有交易原则,但是如果没有企业家的精神,他们也不行。
- The government can affect business opportunities through tax law, economic policies, and international trade rulings. 政府可以通过税收、经济政策和国际贸易规则来影响企业行为。
- Countries bind themselves and their trading partners to transparent and nondiscriminatory trade rules, which the WTO then enforces even handedly. 国家使自己和他们的贸易伙伴受到透明和非歧视性贸易规则的制约,而WTO会强化这些规则。
- To be sure, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its multilateral trading rules are a bulwark against protection on that scale. 诚然,世界贸易组织(WTO)和其多边贸易规则正是针对这类贸易保护主义的一道壁垒。
- China will play a constructive role in promoting economic and trade cooperation/drafting multilateral trade rules. 中国将在促进经济和贸易合作/拟定多边贸易规则方面发挥重要作用。
- Take an active part in instituting international service trade rules and MONP negotiations. 积极参与国际服务贸易规则的制定和自然人流动的谈判;
- This allows you to the entire platform and trading rules to bear the bulk of the increase customer visits and non-repudiation. 这必须让你整个平台和交易规则能够承受大批量访问并提高客户的不可抵赖性。”
- He said he wants to "further expand trade" by showing the world that the US will credibly enforce its own trade rules. 他说他想要通过向世界显示美国要通过可信地强化贸易规则以“进一步扩大自由贸易”。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- The USA threatened to haul up China before the WTO for not complying with global trade rules and adopting discriminatory tax policies. 美国威胁将在世贸组织前拖中国的后腿,因为该国不遵守世贸规定,采取歧视性税收。