- Any property right forms, obtain legal approbating only, ability joins a society legally to trade process. 任何产权形式,只有获得法律的认可,才能合法地加入社会交易过程。
- QC for foreign trade company,graduated from collage,having one year quality chech experience at least,and know trade process and English . 外贸公司质检员,大专以上文化,有过一年以上质检经验,了解贸易流程,最好能读懂英文。
- Electronic business affairs more those who be helpful for a country superintending a branch to superintend home appliance go to the countryside is whole trade process, more transparent on the price. 电子商务更有利于国家监管部门监管家电下乡的整个交易过程,在价格上更为透明。
- In Li and the creek two person of sex trade processes, the police receives the informer to report to the authorities. 就在李某和小河二人的性交易过程中,警方接到线人举报。
- I believed the trading process could be additive and accretive to profits derived solely from the research functionality. 我认为交易过程可以使仅靠研究人员算出来的利润增值。
- follow up domestics trade process, etc. 跟踪国内贸易进程等。
- Electro-business shorten trading process and time, reduce operation cost; enlarge market, execute non area limited marketing, grasp market chance in time, occupy bigger market quotient in front of competitors. 电子商务更好的缩短贸易过程和时间,降低商务运作成本;扩大企业市场范围,实现无界限区域营销,及时把握市场机会,先人一步占领更大的市场份额。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- Trading procedures: shall include hierarchy of responsibility, trading process, division of powers and duties of relevant departments, procedures for preservation of trading records. 二、交易作业程序:应包括负责层级、交易流程、相关部门权责划分、交易纪录保存程序。
- My deskmate wanted to trade his pen for my book. 我的同桌想用他的钢笔换我这本书。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The trade is clogged with restrictions. 贸易因诸多限制而受阻。
- He is in the secondhand car trade. 他是从事二手车买卖的。
- We specialize in design, research, development, manufacturing and trading processes. 我们集鞋子的设计,开发,制造和贸易为一体。
- There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. 我们的出口贸易量已有些减少。
- The new tariffs have put a stranglehold on trade. 新的关税制对开展贸易极为不利。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- Britain concluded a trade agreement with China. 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他们从事国内贸易。
- He has never belonged to a trade union. 他从未加入过工会。