- Tracking Data Editing Program 跟踪数据编辑程序
- Using coordinates Principle to Design Database Data Edit Program 用直角坐标系原理设计数据库数据编辑程序
- Shows how to partition tracking data for ease in data archiving. 演示如何将跟踪数据分区以便于数据存档。
- Messrs.McMahon and Inkster are also using oil-tanker tracking data. 迈克马洪和英科斯特也在使用油轮跟踪数据。
- A simple text edit program(for example, Notepad) would want only plain text. 一个简单的文本编辑程序(例如记事本)将只需要纯文本。
- An MS-DOS utility used to test and edit programs. 一个测试和编写程序的DOS工具。
- To do this, open your file in a graphics editing program and reduce the color depth (number of colors) in the graphic. 方法是:在图形编辑程序中打开文件,并降低图形的颜色深度(颜色数量)。
- Easily identify key issues, track trends, and flag exceptions by using a library of shapes that are designed specifically for tracking data. 通过使用专用于跟踪数据的形状库,您可以轻松确定关键问题、跟踪趋势和标记异常情况。
- Make these changes in an animated GIF editing program, and then insert the file again. 请在动画GIF编辑程序中进行这些更改,然后再次插入文件。
- Your personal shipping history allows you to access shipment details and tracking data for up to 90 days after you send a shipment. 您的货运记录可让您存取托运后90天内的托运货件细节及追踪资料。
- For example, you can create a text document in a word processing program or a movie file in a video editing program. 例如,可以在字处理程序中创建文本文档或者在视频编辑程序中创建电影文件。
- His recent work has focused on using tracking data to identify the critical habitats where endangered whales breed, feed and calve. 他最近的工作重点是根据跟踪数据来探索濒危鲸种的生活环境。
- If you have a decent hex editing program (I use UltraEdit-32), then you should have no problem opening the files to modify them. 如果你有一个非常好的十六位编辑程序(我使用的是UltraEdit-32这个软件),那么你在修改这些文件的时候应该不会遇到什么问题。
- System counters within this category track data such as bytes available and bytes cached. 该类别中的系统计数器跟踪如可用字节和缓存字节等数据。
- Information losing and distortion is reduced to edit program with MPEG files directly. 直接采用MPEG文件进行节目编辑,避免了视频文件多次转换,从而减少了视音频信息的损失与失真。
- Instances track data about multiple occurrences of the object that a category relates to. 实例跟踪关于类别相关对象的多个匹配项的数据。
- Can I accomplish the same thing by starting off with smaller image dimensions or by using the crop tool in my image editing program? 能否开始就使用较小尺寸的图片或者是利用图片编辑程序中的修剪工具,来达到这个目标呢?
- The completion of the foundation buried stone heads, four measurements, a flat wire measurement, substandard level of measurement, map the root control field data collection and data editing. 完成了基础埋石、首级四等测量、一级平面导线测量、等外水准测量、图根控制等野外数据采集以及数据编辑工作。
- Use Office Visio Professional 2007 to track data in diagrams by linking them to a database. 使用Office Visio Professional 2007将图表链接到数据库,可以跟踪图表中的数据。
- Although Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 has some basic photo editing capabilities that allow you to crop a picture to a rectangular shape, it is not a photo editing program. 虽然Microsoft Office Publisher 2007具有一些基本的照片编辑功能(使用这些功能可以将图片裁剪为矩形形状),但它不是一个照片编辑程序。