- On the Leader's Crisis Management Tho. 试论领导者的危机管理思想;
- A: Maybe I can tra late some for you. 或许我可以为你翻译一些。
- Le Duc Tho noted it without any show of interest. 黎德寿注意到了这一点,但未露出感兴趣的任何迹象。
- I'm tra ferring your call to the sales department. 我把您的电话接到营业部去。
- Tho your dreams be tossed and blown. 尽管你的梦想会遭到风的吹袭雨的激荡。
- A record of financial tra actio kept in a ledger. 在分类帐中保存的财务来往记录。
- There's more timber to tra ort now. 现在有更多的木材需要运输。
- You had bat ter ask tho se bet ter info rm ed. 你最好还是询问那些消息灵通人士。
- Tho’ ’twere ten thousand mile! 即使万里相隔!
- I need to hire a tra lator for tomorrow. 我明天需要雇一名翻译。
- He tra lated a Latin book into English. 他将一本拉丁语的书翻译成英语。
- Kinda like the bandages tho, adds some mystery. 像绷带金达寿,增加了一些神秘。
- I will help those tho call me for help. 对求救之声,我将伸出援助之手。
- Nelle partitelle tra amici che tipo era Felipe? 朋友之间进行的友谊赛中, 梅洛 给人什么印象?
- Please ask this piece tra act pedestal how much? 请问这张办公台多少钱?
- Lives intertwined tho you're not mine. 虽然你不是我的,但我们的生命仍彼此纠缠。
- TITe are not about one tho北美nd inhabitants. 居民大约有一千人。
- Yet many tra actio require a lot more su ort than that. 然而,许多交易需要的支持远多于此。
- Dugout canoes are used to tra ort fresh goods to the market. 独木舟用于运输新鲜食物到市场上去。