- Toyama Masakazu 外山正一(1848-1900),日本人,官员、诗人。
- Round 1900 his repute was still untarnished. 在1900年前后他的名声仍很响亮。
- In 1848, gold was discovered in California. 1848年在加利福尼亚发现金矿。
- He was Japanese Professor Masahide Toyama. 韩佳:就是日本的远山正瑛教授。
- They rose in revolt in the troubled year 1848. 在多难的1848年,他们起来造反了。
- Great stride has been made in science since 1900. 自1900年来,科学有了很大进步。
- The Washington Monument was started in 1848. 华盛顿纪念塔于1848年开始建造。
- Toyama flights have spare seats on the 8th. 富山航班8号有空余座位。
- Second Olympiad is held in France Paris in 1900. 第二届奥运会1900年在法国巴黎举行。
- The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848. 弗兰克林回答说,医生无非是凭猜想来开处方的,这使坎迪医生极为恼火。
- He was born in New Orleans on July 4, 1900. 他于1900年7月4日生于新奥尔良,
- Its membership had climbed to 548, 000 by 1900. 到1990年为止,其会员已上升到548,000人。
- The ?? reaction reverses at about 1900°F. 亚硫酸钙反应在大约1900°f时逆向。
- His creative energies were almost spent by 1900. 到1900年,他的创作活力几乎耗
- Hard to imagine that cars were a novelty in 1900. 很难想象1900年的时候, 汽车是件新奇的东西。
- Archery became an Olympic event in 1900. 射箭运动于1990年成为奥运会比赛项目。
- What was the population of Europe in 1900? 一九年欧洲的人口是多少?
- Cholera broke out in that city in 1900. 一九年在那个城市发生了霍乱
- The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep. 美国的大峡谷1900米深。
- The Elbridge Keith Home at 1900 S.... 晚上弄小家庭的襟章,明天动手做实物,...