- Tour of Building a Data Model 和数据建模漫游
- A data model is a plan for building a database. 一个资料模型就是对建立一个资料库的规划。
- In short, just as you would not build a house without a blueprint, you should never design a database without a data model. 简单地说,就像你不会在没有蓝图的情况下就修建一栋房子一样,你决不应当在没有资料模型的情况下就设计一个资料库。
- Part of the process of building a data warehouse out of data coming from multiple online transaction processing (OLTP) systems. 从来自多个联机事务处理(OLTP)系统的数据生成数据仓库的进程的一部分。
- We calculated the cost of building a new house . 我们计算了造1座新房子的费用。
- He explained the process of building a boat. 他解释了造船的工序。
- Estimate the cost of building a house. 估算造一座房子的费用。
- We calculated the cost of building a new house. 我们计算了造1座新房子的费用。
- The Electricity Board have been dallying with, the idea of building a power station down here. 对于在这儿建立一个电站的问题,电气学会并没认真考虑。
- This logical data model is called a data source view. 此逻辑数据模型称为数据源视图。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。
- He went on a speaking tour of the United States. 他去美国作巡回演讲。
- In this article I am going to discuss these new features by building a sample data model visually in RAD 6.0. 在本文中;我将透过在RAD 6.;0中视觉化建立一个资料模型的范例来讨论这些新特性。
- The couple always dreamed of building a cosy nest for themselves. 夫妇俩一直梦想着为自己建立一个安乐窝。
- Mapping a data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema. 用来把对象模型表示的对象映射到基于SQL的关系模型数据结构中去。
- They discussed the possibility of building a new library . 他们商讨了兴建新图书馆之可能性。
- We have a guided tour of the ruins. 我们在导游的陪同下游览了那里的遗址。
- He asked me to fling up the plan of building a house. 他要我放弃建房子的计划。
- We were given a conducted (ie guided) tour of the cathedral. 我们在有人引导下参观了大教堂。
- Property level validation as used in the scenario above is very useful for validating individual properties on a data model class. 以上场景中的属性级验证对验证数据模型类的彼此独立的属性非常有用。