- Touched by My Friend Forever 感动不只是一瞬
- Just walk beside me and be my friend forever. 只是与我并肩而行,永远做我的朋友。
- I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. 我感觉被我的朋友汉娜出卖了。
- I was initiated to this club by my friend. 是我朋友将我介绍到这个俱乐部的。
- If we are to abolish the death penalty, I shall like to see the first step take by my friend the murderer. 假使我们是要废除死刑的话,那我很想看看我的朋友——杀人凶手们——采取的第一步骤(是什么来着)。
- An atmosphere of serenity and solemnity pervaded the venue, as my schoolmates were extremely touched by my recitation. 结果现场一片宁静,气氛非常庄严,同学们听了都感动不已。
- I've got a live one! Dropping by my friend's catering company! 我在一个朋友的厨房参观,随便练练身手呵呵!
- No doubt my views are colored by my friends. 毫无疑问,我的想法受到了朋友们的影响了。
- I'm being ostracized by my friends. 我的朋友都在排斥我。
- All my friends were terrified by my landlord, but I knew her bark was worse than her bite. 我所有的朋友都怕我的房东,但我知道她是面貌凶心善的人。
- Many of my friends are using word processors but I still swear by my old typewriter. 我有许多朋友都使用文字处理机,可我还是爱用我的老式打字机。
- He was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 他受到他们热情欢迎,十分感动。
- After I arrived New Zealand and got picked up by my friend, my emotion had brokedown and I couldn't stop crying. 可是到了纽西兰,朋友接了我以后,我就再也无法掩饰那难受的感觉了。
- This question I've been asked by my friends for many times. 这个问题我的兄弟已经问了我过万次。
- I'm fed up with being put upon by my friends all the time. 我厌倦了朋友们总是拿我当棒槌,占我的便宜。
- Who is touched by my incense? 我焚香感动了谁?
- We were deeply touched by the sentimental movie. 我们深深被那感伤的电影所感动。
- My pic on display looks very small and unauthentic.Coz it is made by my friend's mobile phone. 小故事分:我的标准是双语.因为我们是中国人,并且是和老外一起出游,我想国语的表达也一定有要求吧!
- Click here, and you will find lots of movies recommended by my friend Conman in his daries. 下面的链接里有我的朋友Conman推荐的电影,精彩多多哦。
- The first invitation I got was to South Yarra, the flat shared by my friend with Indonesian. 怎奈登记的手续使人忙中添乱,我被安置在靠近走廊的第一间。