- Totally enclosed fan cooled flange mounted type 全封闭风扇冷却法兰固定式
- Totally enclosed fan cooled type 全封闭风扇冷却式
- totally enclosed fan cooled type machine 全封闭风冷式电机
- totally enclosed fan cooling motor 全封闭扇冷式防爆电动机
- totally enclosed fan cooled [化] 全封闭风扇冷却
- This car has a fan cooled radiator. 这部汽车有台风扇冷却的散热器。
- The clamping unit is totally enclosed to contain dry air. 锁模装置还要密封,保存着干燥的空气。
- The watercooling system should be constructed as a totally enclosed one. 水冷却系统应该设计为一个全封闭系统。
- It's hot and humid. The fan cools me off. 天气又热又湿,吹电风扇凉一点。
- totally enclosed water cooled machine 全封闭水冷式电机
- Quarter turn, double acting and spring return type with a totally enclosed design and no external moving linkages. 四分之一转,双动和弹簧回位类型,具有全封闭结构,没有外部活动连接。
- Motors on the milling machines are totally enclosed to guard against ingress of metallic dust. 铣床上的电动机都是全封闭的,以防止金属粉尘进入。
- Capabilities and management of a fan cooling device. 一个风扇制冷设备的功能和管理。
- Y、 YD、 YSF( YT、 T35)、 YEJ、 YVP series three-phase induction motors are of squirrel-cage, totally enclosed, fan-cooled type. 翔宇电机高质量长期、定的量供以下产品:Y、2系列三相交流电动机、D系列变极多速三相交流电动机,YSF(T、35)列风机专用电动机,YEJ电磁制动三相交流电动机、vp变频调速三相交流电动机。
- ANSI and NEC standards and shall meet the latest design standards of a Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated NEMA frame motor. 散热应该通过定子外壳传导到周围的介质来完成。
- The MCC or control panel shall be sheet steel, totally enclosed to IP 54 and free standing on a hot dipped galvanized welded steel channel plinth. MCC或控制面板应为钢板材质,完全包含IP54以及独立式热镀锌焊接钢通道底座。
- The driving mechanism is totally enclosed in the machi-ne boby and its lubrication system improves the lifetime of the mechanical components. 机械传动系统全部封闭在机体内,并附有自动润滑系统,提高了机件的寿命。
- Auto stepless temperature regulation with cycle of heated air and fan cooler. 自动无级调温控制,采用热风循环收缩方式,并加风冷装置。
- Y series motor is totally enclosed and fan-cooling three-phase squirrel cage induction motor,which is newly designed inconformity with the relevant requirement of IEC stand ards. Y系列电动机是全封闭自扇冷式绎笼型三相异步电动机,是最新设计的基本系列,符合IEC标准的有关规定。具有高效、节能,起动转矩大,噪声低,振动小,可靠性高,使用维护方便等特点。
- Total enclosed desigh, Lubricant refilling is not necessary, Easy installing and comdination. 密封式设计,不必换油,安装方便。