- Where did the torch relay begin in Beijing? 北京火炬接力起点在哪?
- Where did the torch relay end in Beijing? 北京火炬接力终点在哪?
- Our Torch Relay will break new ground. 我们的火炬接力将开创新局面。
- What does the torch relay stand for? 火炬传递意味着什么?
- When did the Olympic Torch Relay begin? 奥运火炬传递从什么时候开始?
- Guilin International Sports Centre It is the ending point of transmission line of Olympic torch relay in Guilin. 桂林国际体育中心这是奥运火炬接力桂林传递路线的终点。
- When was the first Olympic Torch Relay? 第一次火炬接力何时举行的?
- Guilin International Sports Centre It is the starting point of transmission line of Olympic torch relay in Guilin. 桂林国际体育中心这是奥运火炬接力桂林传递路线的起点。
- Toyama Street via the torch relay, the viewing platform, the Gold Coast, the Bay Bridge, Centre Street, Wax Museum and Television Arts Centre and other attractions and streets. 火炬传递途经富山街、观景台、黄金海岸、金湾大桥、中心大街、蜡像馆、以及影视艺术中心等景点和街道。
- The torch relay was first organized at the 1936 Berlin Games. 在1936年的柏林奥运会上首次组织了奥运火炬传递。
- How many people took part in the torch relay in Beijing? 多少火炬手将参与这次北京传递?
- When did the Athens Olympic torch relay begin in Beijing? 奥运火炬的北京传递在什么时间举行的?
- The torch relay in 2008 after a number of regions and countries. 2008年的火炬传递经过了许多地区和国家。
- The Torch Relay of the Athens Olympic Games is unique. 雅典奥运会圣火传递活动是很特别的。
- The Torch Relay of the Beijing Olympic Games is unique. 北京奥运会圣火火炬传递是很特别的。
- This relay is the longest domestic torch relay in Olympic history. 这次接力是奥运会历史上最长的国内火炬接力。
- Do you know the route of Beijing Olympic torch relay? 问:你知道北京奥运会的火炬传递仪式吗?
- How many days will the torch relay last at the 28th Olympic Games? 第28界奥运会火炬传递将持续多少天?
- Elsewhere, BOCOG will suspend the torch relay for 3 days. 同时,北京奥组委决定,奥运圣火在境内传递活动暂停三天。
- The Olympic Torch relay requires 10,000 torches. 奥运会火炬接力将需要1万只火炬。