- Topics in Applied ELT Theory 英语教学特论
- They touched many topics in the meeting. 在会上他们谈到了许多话题。
- We comment on these topics in Section 6. 我们将在第6节讨论这些课题。
- She plans to take a course in applied linguistics. 她打算学习应用语言学课程。
- The following are the topics in this section. 下面是本节中的主题。
- We touched many topics in our talk. 在交谈中,我们谈了许多话题。
- Press and hold brake pedal in applied position. 踏下并保持煞车踏板在使用位置。
- We touched many topics in our talk . 在交谈中,我们谈了许多话题。
- What are the hottest topics in FSI and why? 关于金融行业最热门的话题是什么,为什么?
- Candidate for Bachelor in Applied Physics Degree? 那应用物理学学士,就是?
- Logistics is a hot topic in China. 中国掀起了物流热。
- Research methodology in applied economics II. 应用经济学研究方法论2。
- Displays the next topic in the history list. 显示历史记录列表中的下一个主题。
- They did not touch this topic in their talk. 他们在会谈中没有触及这个问题。
- They touched many topic in their talk. 他们在谈话中涉及了许多问题。
- He diverged to another topic in this essay. 这篇文章他又拐到另一个话题上了。
- The English Curriculum Standards embodies the latest development of linguistics, ELT theory and practice and emphasizes on developing the abilities of language use. 通过认真解读《高中英语标准》,我们发现新课程标准体现了语言学、外语教育理论和实践的最新发展,强调以发展语言运用能力为根本目的的交际性教学思想。
- Conversely, work in applied science and technology frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. 相反,应用科学技术的成果在纯科学的发展中经常起到直接的促进作用。
- Learner autonomy has become a hot topic in the recent ELT reform initiated by the Chinese Ministry of Education. 大学生自主学习能力已成为近年来国家教育行政部门主导的大学英语教学改革的一个热门话题。
- I'm going to take a course in applied mathematics this semester. 我这学期打算学习应用数学课程。