- Took umbrage at their rudeness. 对他们的粗野表示不悦
- She took umbrage at my remarks about her hair. 我对她头发的评论使她很不高兴。
- He took umbrage at my remarks and left. 他觉得我的话伤了他的感情,便离开了。
- He took umbrage at my remarks and left . 他觉得我的话伤了他的感情;便离开了.
- The Chinese tend to take umbrage at this analysis, because it suggests their boom has come at the expense of others. 中国政府对这个结论表示怀疑,因为这表明她的发展是以别国的经济为代价的。
- Although Jeff was given to lying, he never took umbrage at being accused of it. 尽管杰克喜欢撒谎,可别人为此指责他时他从不见怪。
- Although Jeff was given to lying,he never took umbrage at being accused of it. 尽管杰克喜欢撒谎,可别人为此指责他时他从不见怪。
- He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took umbrage at the insult. 他说我是个胆小的懦夫,这种侮辱让我很生气。
- Their teacher punished them for their rudeness. 老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。
- The soldiers exulted at their victory. 战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。
- Their rudeness torpedoed the negotiations. 他们的无礼破坏了谈判。
- Their rudeness really burns me up. 他们的无礼真的让我生气
- Her children were banging away at their homework. 她的孩子们在坚持做家庭作业。
- Therefore I take great umbrage at being in the “Humor” section. 因此被归入幽默类让我很不爽。
- Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity. 他们粗俗的话语使他再也不能保持镇定
- He spat at their ideas, treating them as childish. 他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。
- The pope himself had taken great umbrage at the book. 教皇本人对这本书曾极为生气。
- The wine flowed like water at their party. 他们在宴会上喝酒如流水。
- I am going to keep them at their task. 我将使他们继续工作。
- The students are really going at their studies. 学生们都在发奋学习。