- Tomato mosaic tobamovirus 番茄花叶烟草花叶病毒
- Complete nucleotides of Tomato mosaic virus isolated from Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Henan Province (ToMV-hib) was cloned and sequenced. Subsequent sequence analyses were extensively performed with bioinformatic tools. 本研究首次对来源于河南五彩扶桑的番茄花叶病毒扶桑分离物(ToMV-hib)基因组全序列进行了测定,并与该属其它病毒序列进行了比对和分析。
- Meanwhile, Rogers and John Castello of State University of New York in Syracuse have isolated a plant virus called tomato mosaic virus from Greenland glacial ice up to 140,000 years old. 罗杰斯称这种进化策略为“基因组的回收利用”。他认为,迁徙水鸟定期将病毒送到北极冰河和冰湖中,病毒在那里冻入冰中。
- Beet necrotic yellow vein mosaic tobamovirus 甜菜坏死黄叶脉烟草花叶病毒
- Nicotiana velutina mosaic tobamovirus 天鹅绒烟草花叶病毒
- soil-borne wheat mosaic tobamovirus 土传小麦花叶烟草花叶病毒
- Aunt Emily put up a dozen cans of tomato last fall. 去年秋天埃米莉姑妈做了12瓶番茄酱。
- Would you like some tomato juice? 你想要些番茄汁吗?
- I'll have a tomato juice to start with. 先喝点西红柿汁开胃。
- Would you like some tomato paste? 你要西红柿酱吗?
- It's a rich mosaic of meadows, rivers and woods. 这是一幅由草地,河流,树木组成的五光十色的镶嵌画。
- Production of Monoclonal Antibodies to Tomato Mosaic Virus and Application in Virus Detection 番茄花叶病毒单克隆抗体的制备及检测应用
- The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white. 今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
- The frost killed the young tomato plants. 寒霜冻死了番茄幼苗。
- She spread some tomato paste on the fried fish. 她在炸好的鱼上涂了一层番茄酱。
- Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of Tomato Mosaic Disease and Its Aphid Vectors 番茄花叶病病株及传毒介体空间分布型研究
- U2-tobacco mosaic tobamovirus U2-烟草花叶烟草花叶病毒
- Sunnhemp mosaic tobamovirus 菽麻花叶烟草花叶病毒
- Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 蕃茄是水果还是蔬菜?
- Mosaic a design on a rosewood box. 将一个图案嵌入红木盒子上。