- Toga Muneo 门叶宗雄(1906-69),日本人,官员。
- It spread like a chest wound under a toga. 它像是袍子下胸口受伤一样散开来。
- There's a toga party at my place tonight. 今晚在我家有个聚会。
- The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga policeman. 这人把在街上拾到的钱交给了警察。
- We did the Sunday Night Toga Party in their Marquee and it Rocked!! 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- FIRST TOGA PARTY IN THE PAST YEAR, THIS WILL BE SICK!!! 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- Katherine: But this is China, go and get changed. You are not wearing a toga. 凯思莲:但这儿是中国,去换掉吧,你不该穿古罗马袍子。
- Once it is complete, the FDA may choose to approve the TOGA procedure. “游戏”就这样进行了二十分钟,我终于在精疲力竭之前被“放”了出来。
- Katherine : But this is China, go and get changed.You are not wearing a toga. 凯思莲:但这儿是中国,去换掉吧,你不该穿古罗马袍子。
- The Augustanera sculpture of a life-size male in a toga was secured on a foam-covered wooden frame to cushion its rescue. 这座真人大小、身穿托加袍的奥古斯都时期的男子雕像被安全地放置在包了泡沫的木制架子上,以缓冲打捞时产生的震动。
- Men of quality draped themselves in a rich mantle or dalmatique, reminiscent of Roman toga, semicircular in shape. 达官贵人外穿华丽的披风或“达尔马提克”,半圆形,很像罗马的托嘎。
- Men of quality drapedthemselves in a rich mantle or dalmatique,reminiscent of Roman toga, semicircular in shape. 达官贵人外穿华丽的披风或“达尔马提克“,半圆形,很像罗马的托嘎。
- Constantine is sitting on the throne in the centre (his head is missing here too) surrounded by toga clad dignitaries. 君士坦丁坐在正中间的王座上(这尊雕像的头部也已灭失),周围是穿著罗马袍服的达官贵人。
- Tribunus Laticlavius : Named for the broad striped toga worn by men of senatorial rank. 副军团长):专为元老院元老设立的职位。
- Long hair is supreme! I love men with beautiful long hair, and Toga has the best long hair in the world! 长发至上!我很喜欢留漂亮长发的男人,冬芽是最美的例子!
- I have always loved acting , I'd love to see you wearing a Roman toga and reciting Shakespeare. 杰克非常失望,因为他发现她没有在家做作业!
- In 1979, everyone wanted to cash in on the "Animal House" toga party, so all three networks introduced frat sitcoms. 1979年,每个人都想要现金的“动物之家”托加党,因此,所有三个网络推出兄弟会情景喜剧。
- Both sexes wore a tunic corresponding to the Greek chiton, underneath the toga or palla. 绣金的紫色托嘎则是官员和将军的礼服,也是皇家的传统服装。
- After the death of his real father, however, Hadrian called him Annius Verissimus,9 and, after he assumed toga virilis, Annius Verus. (7)始的时候,安尼乌斯·鲁斯依他母亲的祖父取名为卡提留斯·维鲁(8)但在他生父死后,哈德良称他为安尼乌斯·里斯姆(9)在他被授予白色托加之后,改名安尼乌斯·鲁斯。
- David, he became an early advocate of historical costuming, and he created a sensation by appearing onstage in a Roman toga. David)的影响下,他成为历史服装的早期提倡者之一,并透过在舞台上穿著罗马托加袍营造一种情绪。