- Toda Takeo 户田武雄(1905-),日本人,经济学教授。
- Betty: It is Friday. What are your lessons toda? 贝蒂:是星期五。你们今天的课程是什么?
- Mr Toda was a towering leader of kosen-rufu. 户田先生是广宣流布的伟大领袖。
- Asano Takeo Nagashima Rei Ishikawa Kyozo Fuyuki Taiz. 主演: Kokuten Kodo 月形龙之介 Saburo Sawai Shinjir.
- If any guest failed at the eleventh hour, Toda was asked to dine. 要是有什么客人临时不能来,托德就给请来凑数。
- Two hundred years of family tradition led Hibino Takeo into Chinese studies. 二百年家学渊源,导引日比野走入汉学研究。
- Please takeo ote that we have recently removed to the above address. 我公司最近已迁到上述地址,特此通告。
- Toda persona tiene derecho a la propiedad, individual y colectivamente. 人人有权享有自己的财产,单独和集体。
- Tomm: I thinn it's mine. I dropped 50 cents there toda and couldn't find it. 汤米:我想那是我的;今天我在那儿掉了50分;找不到了.
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean--in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- Takeo Miki is Japan's Mr Clean - - in contrast to his predecessor who was brought down by corruption. 三木武夫和他因腐败下台的前任相比,可谓日本的“纯洁先生”。
- As university president, Hibino Takeo still supervises students' graduation theses, a rarity in Japan. 身为校长,日比野仍指导学生毕业论文,这在日本并不多见。
- Olhei para fora da janela, sem ninhum desejo. Encontrei as flores, toda a montanha! Amarelos brilhantes! 并不带任何期许的,我望向窗外,却看见漫山遍野的花,鲜艳的黄色!
- Assim o Deus os dispersou dali por toda a terra,e pararam de construir a cidade. 我们下去,在那里变乱他们的口音,使他们的语言彼此不通。”
- When Takeo and Kaede first meet, they are drawn to each other, and without speaking a word, fall in love. 自面世以来,不断再版,深受欢迎,成为中国人了解中国通史的首选书籍,在青年学子中更几乎人手一册。
- Takeo many wonderful women in the Tour's contacts, mutual understanding, and finally forged a For Life. 许多健男妙女在游方的接触中,相互认识、了解,最后结下了终身伴侣。
- Lo que tengo claro es que no me tengo que esconder de nada y asumo toda mi responsabilidad. 我很清楚的是我不会隐藏任何事,我承担我所有的责任。
- Mr Josei Toda used to say, “When you are tired that is when you should study the Gosho. 户田先生教导:“疲惫之时更要拜读御书。”
- Aso will use the former Ministry of Education and Science with Kawamura Takeo Renguan the Housing Executive. 在这样的地方活动,吸入了大量的有害物质,健身房里的一些粉尘容易引起过敏性疾病。
- I n Takeo they use rain water as the water sources in their daily lives, both for bathing and drinking. 在茶胶省这个地方,他们在日常生活中使用雨水来当作他们的水资源,包括喝水和洗澡。