- Classification of Tobacco Planting Soil in Longyan 龙岩烟区植烟土壤分类研究
- flue-cured tobacco planting soil 植烟土壤
- Nutrient classification of tobacco planting soil in Fujian Province 福建烟区植烟土壤养分分类的研究
- Phosphorus resource and its changing in tobacco planting soil in Henan Province 河南省烟区土壤磷素资源状况与动态变化研究
- Sulfur content in tobacco planting soils in Guizhou and recommendation of sulfur fertilizer application 贵州植烟土壤硫素特征研究与含硫肥料施用探讨
- Study on Available Phosphorus Content and Changing Pattern in Tobacco Planting Soils 植烟土壤速效磷含量及变化规律的研究
- Study on Organic Matter and Nitrogen Content in Tobacco Planting Soil in Ningyuan County 宁远县植烟土壤有机质与氮含量研究
- A preliminary study on fertility characteristic of flue cured tobacco planting soil in Baokang County of Hubei Province 保康县植烟土壤的主要肥力特征初探
- Tobacco planting soils 植烟土壤
- tobacco planting soil 植烟土壤
- If the tobacco plant is eaten, it can quickly poison a person. 如果吃了烟草,人就会很快中毒。
- These are tobacco plants, the only natural source of nicotine. 这些是烟叶,提炼尼古丁的惟一自然资源。
- Key words: roof greening; plant: planting soil; waterproofing and drainage; maintenance. 关键词:屋顶绿化;植物;种植土;防排水;养护管理
- Polonium-210 is also present in the fine tobacco hairs, coming from the phosphorus fertilizer used in growing tobacco plant. 烟草上的茸毛含有微量钋210,主要是来自土壤和菸草使用的磷肥。
- A colorless, poisonous alkaloid, C10H14N2, derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted. 尼古丁无色有毒生物碱,C10H14N2,从烟草中提取被用作杀虫剂,它是烟草中致使吸烟者上瘾的物质
- Comparatively, ploughing green manures back could not only supply nutrients for tobacco plants, but also improve the soil quality and bring about higher economic benefit. 相比而言,种植和翻压绿肥增加生产成本少、效益高,并具有改良土壤和向烟株提供养分的双重作用。
- Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genus Nicotiana,native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属,一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类。
- The content of trace elements in Rhizoma discoreae and its planting soil was determined by induc-tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). 用等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)测定了淮山药根茎及其种植土壤中的微量元素。
- A colorless,poisonous alkaloid,C10H14N2,derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted. 尼古丁无色有毒生物碱,C10H14N2,从烟草中提取被用作杀虫剂,它是烟草中致使吸烟者上瘾的物质。
- Any of various flowering annual or perennial herbs of the genus Nicotiana, native to the Americas and including the tobacco plant and ornamental species with fragrant flowers. 烟草属一种源于美洲的箭羽烟草花属开花的一年或多年生草本植物,包括烟草植物和带有芳香花朵的装饰性种类