- We have learned a lot about the effectiveness of tobacco control. 关于烟草控制的有效性我们了解了很多。
- In Finland a programme of tobacco control, public education and dietary advice had seen lung cancer rates tumbling. 芬兰实施了一项控制烟草的计划,包括进行公众教育和饮食建议,成效显著,肺癌患病率持续下降。
- In Finland a programme of tobacco control,public education and dietary advice had seen lung cancer rates tumbling. 芬兰实施了一项控制烟草的计划,包括进行公众教育和饮食建议,成效显著,肺癌患病率持续下降。
- We will continue to be vigilant and to take the lead on all aspects of tobacco control. 我们将继续保持警惕并在烟草控制的各个方面发挥带头作用。
- When the Conference of the Parties opens shortly, it will push the pace of tobacco control still further. 缔约方会议马上就要开幕了,它将进一步推动烟草控制的步伐。
- Think of the Blowing Away the Smoke series as a new set of tools and techniques to add to the tobacco control advocacy tool kit. 是他们发展出来一系列有关反菸媒体倡议的文章和工具,希望可以帮助反菸者在社区、社会上推动菸害防制工作。
- And (An) i nternational trady (treaty) on tobacco control came into force in 2005. 一项关于控制烟草的国际条约于2005年生效。
- They have also reduced smoking, according to Dr.Stanton Glantz of the Center for Tobacco Control Research. 这些禁令也同样减少了吸烟,控制烟研究中心的格兰士博士说。
- The monks -- attending a three-day workshop on "Buddhism and tobacco control" in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh -- aim to become role models for anti-smoking efforts in Asia. 这些僧侣日前正在柬埔寨首都金边参加一个名为"佛教与烟草控制"的研讨会,他们举办此次活动的目的是要为亚洲的禁烟运动树立榜样。
- Nonetheless, some leading tobacco control adocates hae championed smokeless tobacco as a means of kicking the smoking habit. 尽管如此,一些倡导控制吸烟的倡议者仍然支持用无烟烟草来戒除吸烟的恶习。
- They said acceptance would violate the framework Convention on Tobacco Control a worldwide paper issued by the World Health Organization in 2003. 他们认为接受它的捐赠将违背烟草控制框架公约,该公约由世界卫生组织发布于2003年。
- "This isn't about tobacco control, this is about arbitrary discrimination against one type of tobacco versus another," said Pryor. “这并不是关于烟草控制的法案,这是对一种烟草产品的歧视,”普雷尔说。
- In February 2001,a Tobacco Control Office was set up under the Department of Health to co-ordinate and enhance the Government's tobacco control efforts. 二零零一年二月,卫生署成立控烟办公室,负责统筹和加强政府的控烟工作。
- The monks -- attending a three-day workshop on "Buddhism and tobacco control" in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh -- aim to become role models for anti-smoking efforts in Asia. 这些僧侣日前正在柬埔寨首都金边参加一个名为"佛教与烟草控制"的研讨会,他们举办此次活动的目的是要为亚洲的禁烟运动树立榜样。
- Effective international action should be facilitated by the inclusion of a specific protocol on smuggling in the proposed WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 有效的国际行动应该包括在WTO对烟草管制的框架协议下通过专门的走私协议。
- The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act gives the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) broad power to regulate tobacco products and marketing efforts. 家庭预防吸烟法案和烟草控制法案赋予美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)广泛的权力来规范烟草产品和营销工作。
- As the largest producer of cigarettes in the world, with most consumed domestically, the country aims to contribute one hour without cigarettes to tobacco control. 作为世界最大的烟草生产国和消耗国,中国希望通过这一小时的无烟活动对控制烟草做出贡献。
- But some health advocates say the measure passed by the State Duma flies in the face of guidelines of the international tobacco control agreement that Russia joined this year. 但是,一些健康倡议者说,俄罗斯国家杜马通过的措施公然违反了俄罗斯今年加入的国际控烟公约的准则。
- The air was reeking with the smell of tobacco. 空气中弥漫着烟草的气味。