- If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear. 要想赚钱就得贱买贵卖。
- If you want to make money you've got to think money. 你要是想赚钱,脑子里就得想著钱。
- It is one thing to make money, and it is another to spend it. 赚钱是一回事,而花钱又是另一回事。
- Like so many others involved in the case, she was out to make money. 和涉及此案的其他许多人一样,她为的是赚钱。
- My ambition is to make money and retire young. 我的志向是发财致富,年轻时就退休。
- I came here originally to make money. 原先我是到这儿来发财的。
- He is in a fair way to make money. 他有希望赚钱。
- I work to save people's lives,not to make money. 我工作是为挽救人的生命而不是赚钱。
- If you want to make money,buy cheap and sell dear. 要想赚钱就得贱买贵卖。
- The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 计划的核心在于赢利。
- Fail to make money in a business. 未能在生意上赚到钱。
- Hubert always has an eye to making money whatever his plans are. 不论休伯特怎么打算,他的目的都是要赚钱。
- He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money. 他靠擦鞋、卖报挣钱。
- The fact is, they're there to make money. 真实的情况是,他们去那儿是为了赚钱。
- We need to think of ways to make money. 我们需要想办法挣钱。
- In my opinion, they intend to make money. 我认为他们就是想赚钱。
- To make money is not the only purpose of our life. 赚钱不是我们生活的唯一目的。
- We do not work because we want to make money. 我们不是为了赚钱而工作,而是为了尽我们自己的责任。
- Work isn't to make money; you work justify life. 工作不是为了挣钱,工作是为了证明生活值得。
- Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life. 工作不是为了挣钱,工作是为证明生活值得。