- It has limitation to draw money from ATM. 从从ATM机取款是有额度限制的。
- I had to draw money out of the ATM. 我不得不从自动取款机里取钱。
- He forged the signature of his boss, attempting to draw money from bank. 他伪造老板的签名,妄图从银行里提款。
- It enables you to draw money from any of our machines across the country,twenty four hours a day. 有了这张卡,你全日二十四小时都可在全国任何柜员机提款。
- With a regular passbook savings account you have opened in a bank, you will be able to draw money whenever you need it. 有了银行开立的普通储蓄账户存折,你就可以随时取款。
- It enables you to draw money from any of our machines across the country, twenty four hours a day. 有了这张卡,你全日二十四小时都可在全国任何柜员机提款。
- When you open the account, the bank will give you a chequebook and you can use this to draw money out as you need it. 学生帐户是活期帐户,给学生一定特权。
- The function of an ATM is to allow people to draw money from their bank accounts with a special card whether the bank is closed or not. 自动取款机的功能是,无论在银行营业时或是关门时都能让人们用一种特殊的卡从银行帐户取出钱。
- The Automatic Teller's Machine (ATM) facilitates human livelihood.It is also an easy way for a thief to draw money using a stolen fiscard or a bogus fiscard. 银行自动柜员机的设立,让我们可以很方便的提领现金,但同时也让歹徒能轻易的以伪造或窃取到的卡来盗领现金。
- I shall have to draw on my money. 我不得不用钱了。
- Please tell me how you wish to draw your money. 请告诉我你希望怎样支款。
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- He went to the post office to draw his pension. 他到邮局去取退休金了。
- Please help me to draw off these muddy boots. 请帮我脱掉这满是泥浆的靴子。
- May I draw money against the letter of credit here? 我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗?
- How do you like to draw your money? 您想要怎样支钱?
- I shall have to draw on the money I've saved. 我将不得不支用我所积蓄的钱。
- I want to draw some money from my savings account. 我要从我的储蓄账户上取钱。
- How much money do you want to draw this time? 这次您想取多少钱呢?
- I want to draw some money from my account. 劳驾,我想从我的账户里取些钱。