- To-day has crimson foxglove. 比如今天有指顶花串,
- She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day. 她每天锻炼来减肥。
- Their nuptial day hasn't been determined. 他们的结婚日还没有决定。
- They have brought the escaped convict to day. 他们已经使那逃亡的囚犯无处可逃。
- The day has come to rewrite history. 历史被改写的一天已经到来。
- This valentine day has youthen to be perfect! 情人节有你才完美!
- From day to day the town changes. 这座城镇的面貌天天在发生变化。
- We muddle along from day to day. 我们一天天地混日子。
- So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. 如此,基督也不是自取荣耀作大祭司,乃是在乎向他说,你是我的儿子,我今日生你。的那一位。
- You have been worse from day to day. 你的情形每下愈况。
- Why to have a fever to day heat is the cold snorty? 为什么一到天热就发烧感冒流鼻涕呢?
- The day has simply flown by without any results. 一天就这样毫无收获地飞逝过去了。
- No matter which way you do the experiment, you must finish it to day. 不管你用哪一种方法做这试验,你都必须在今天完成。
- The day has eyes and the night has ears. 白日有眼夜有耳。
- He's write more than ten postcard to day. 他今天写了十多张明信片。
- The day have eyes and the night have ear. 白日有眼夜有耳。
- Creeps in this petty pace from day to day. 一天接着一天地蹑步前进
- About how many time a day has she vomited? 她一天大约呕吐几次?
- He smokes opium and drinks wine from day to day. 他天天抽鸦片、喝酒。