- To worship as God or a god. 崇拜作为上帝或神来崇拜
- Man is to man either a god or a wolf. 人与人交往,不是上帝就是狼。
- A man is either a god or a wolf to man. 对人而言,人自己不是上帝就是狼。
- Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour. 一个人对邻居来说,不是上帝,便是魔鬼。
- English: Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour. 中文:一个人对其邻居来说,不是上帝,就是魔鬼。
- Man is a god or a devil to his neighbor. 一个人对邻居来说,不是上帝,便是魔鬼。
- A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity. 赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌
- If you were a God or a Buddha, how would you behave? 假如你是上帝或是佛,你会有什么样的行为举止?
- A deity, such as a god or goddess. Used with the. 神或女神。与the连用
- He retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal god or a god who is a person. 他没有收回他所说的关于有形的上帝或者由人充当的上帝的不恰当言论。
- One who does not believe or have faith,as in God or a philosophy. 无信仰的人不相信或无信仰的人,如对上帝或哲学
- A heavenly being;a god or angel. 天神天国中的生灵;神或天使
- The president says in too many countries, too many people lack the right to worship as they please. 布什总统说,在太多的国家里有太多的人民无权按照自己的意愿进行宗教崇拜。
- A heavenly being; a god or angel. 天神天国中的生灵; 神或天使
- "A whole society is a society which welcomes basic freedoms and there's no more basic freedom than the freedom to worship as you see fit," Bush said. “一个完整的社会是一个欢迎基本自由的社会,而且没有什么比以你认为合适的方式进行祷告的自由更基本的自由,”布什说。
- Thats why I dont tell you to worship God or to worship the Buddha: I tell you how to make Buddhas. Making God, thats the power we have. 所以我没有叫你们要崇拜上帝或是崇拜佛,而是告诉你们如何成佛,我们拥有创造上帝的力量。
- A song of praise or thanksgivingto God or a deity. 赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌。
- D)To worship the groundhog as a star. 把土拨鼠当成巨星一样崇拜。
- Jesus was either God or a blaspheming deceiver. 。耶稣或是神或不是善良的。
- Incarnations: Most believe there are no particular incarnations to worship as all in the universe are embodiments of God. 化身:多数认为,有没有特别崇拜的化身所有在宇宙中是体现上帝。