- To ward off an assault. 击退一次攻势。
- to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势
- He fling up an arm to ward off the blow. 他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。
- He flung up an arm to ward off the blow. 他挥起手臂挡开这一拳。
- Klein believes that, HIV virus may evolve to escape the body's immune system to ward off an important means of infection. 克莱恩认为,HIV病毒可能通过进化,逃脱了人体免疫系统用于抵御病毒感染的重要手段。
- Maybe you will have no chance to ward off an upcoming car for me or redeem me from the kidnappers by your total amassment for a whole life. 也许你这一辈子也没机会用身体为我挡住一辆冲过来的汽车。
- He managed to ward off the blow. 他设法避过了那一击。
- You should learn how to ward off blows. 你应该学会如何避开打击。
- He poised himself to ward off the attack. 他摆出要挡开攻击的姿势。
- To ward off the feeling, I drank the wisky quikly. 我快饮威士忌以避开这种感情。
- These herbs are said to ward off influenza. 这些草药据说可防止感冒。
- The intruder lunged at me with a knife; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包抵挡。
- To ward off the feeling,I drank the whisky quickly. 为了消除这种感觉,我赶紧喝了点威士忌。
- To ward off the feeling,I drink the whisky quikly. 我快饮威士忌以避开这种感情。
- A spell to ward off evil spirits. 一条辟邪的咒语。
- How to ward off black magic, jinn, spirits? 怎样躲开巫术,精灵,邪妖?
- He keeps dogs to ward off unwanted visitors. 他养了狗以防不速之客。
- Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer. 一些妇女吃阿司匹林以防(避开)乳腺癌。
- They are said to be able to ward off eil. 据说是可以避邪的。
- The intruder lunged at Stevens with a knife; Stevens snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 闯入者持刀向史蒂文斯刺去; 史蒂文斯急忙抓起一只公事皮包抵挡。