- To undermine public morality 妨害风化
- They are trying to undermine my position. 他们在试图损伤我的地位。
- Offensive to public moral values; immodest. 无礼的;猥亵的冒犯公共道德价值观的;下流的。
- They hope to undermine our unity;they shall fail. 他们相破坏我们的团结,他们是不会成功的。
- Anything to rot, to weaken, to undermine! 所有的腐化堕落,只要削弱了党,干他娘!
- I won't allow you to undermine me like this. 我不允许你这样损害我。
- They hope to undermine our unity; they shall fail. 他们相破坏我们的团结,他们是不会成功的。
- She tried to undermine our friendship. 她试图破坏我们的友谊。
- Someone you work with could try to undermine you. 和你一起工作的某人或许想要制造破坏。
- Beware of the fifth column. They often infiltrate into key positions and seek to undermine the body politic from within. 要提防隐蔽的敌人,他们经常渗透到关键岗位企图从内部破坏国家政体。
- Films like this are a danger to public morals. 这样的电影有害公德。
- Making irresponsible remarks in public, he has no sense of public morality. 他在公共场合浪语,一点也不注意公德!
- They will do anything to undermine their adversary's reputation. 他们会不择手段地去损害对手的名誉。
- Incidents like these began to undermine Angleton's credibility. 这一类事情开始损毁安格尔顿的声誉。
- His enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority. 他的敌人在散布谣言来暗中破坏他的威信。
- The play was considered an affront to public morals. 人们认为这出戏侮辱了社会公德。
- D'Alembert has tried to undermine by various cavils. D'Alembert百般挑剔试图暗中破坏。
- Colleagues may try to undermine you when talking to superiors. 当和前辈谈话时同事可能会诋毁你。
- We were losing ourselves in listening the report about public morality, rock music to blast forth in next door. 我们正聚精会神听有关公共道德的报告,隔壁突然响起了摇滚乐。
- Simpson by presenting witnesses and evidence intended to undermine his public image as a genial ex-jock with a portrait of a jealous wife abuser. 并且有意通过这些人证、物证,破坏之前这位前运动员亲切和善的公众形象,代之以满怀妒意、虐待老婆的形象。