- To take in as a part, an element, or a member. 包括作为一部分、成分或成员而包括
- To take in as a part; include. 包含作为一个部分加入;包括
- to take in as a part,an element,or a member 作为一部分、成分或成员而包括
- Mike was a company man and refused to take a part in the strike. 迈克是公司的人,所以拒绝参加罢工。
- As a sportsman, he is very proud to take part in the Olympic Games. 作为一个运动员,他很自豪参加奥运会。
- I generally try to take in a show when I'm in New York on business. 我到纽约公干时常顺便看场演出。
- To take or have a part in; share in. 参加或参与;分享
- I'd like you to take this bracelet as a gift. 我希望你把这手镯礼物收下。
- He need to take a part of burden in this damnify. 他应对这一损失负部份责任。
- I hung out the washing to dry on a frosty day and when I went to take it in it was as stiff as a board. 在一个霜冻的日子里,我把洗涤物挂到外面晒干,但当我去把它拿进来时,它已硬绷绷了。
- It is time to be old, to take in sail. 这是该年老而收敛雄心的时候了。
- There's no short cut to take in this problem. 在这个问题上没有捷径可走。
- The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless boy. 那个好心的老太太主动收留这个无家可归的男孩。
- To take or have a part or share; participate. 拿走或占有一部分或一份儿;参与
- Do you want to take in a midnight movie? 你要看一场半夜的电影吗?
- Offer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he'll feel in a better mood. 请他出去吃午饭,那样他心情就会好些。
- An amount paid out or taken in as rent. 租费:作为租金支付或收入的数额。
- U. officials will seek to learn more about dozens of Guantanamo detainees they may be asked to take in as part of President Barack Obama's plans to close the detention center in a year. 作为奥巴马总统在一年内关闭这个拘押中心计划的一部分,美国可能请求欧盟接收部分在押人员。
- I have a lot of people to take in this week. 本星期我得接待很多人。
- Wang also said that the "new world" should work as a "reservoir" to take in the flow of laid-off workers and give them re-employment. 王国平还说“新天地”还应是个“蓄水池”,用以容纳下岗工人,安排他们重新就业。