- The Contractor's responsibility exposes the Principal to suffer loss, a Termination Event is deemed to occur, the Principal has right to terminate the Contract. 若任何因承包人责任而导致发包人遭受损失,则视为发生终止事件,发包人有权终止合同。
- The company can't allow its shareholders to suffer losses. 公司亏不了股东。
- To get along with others, one must learn to suffer losses. 与人共事,要学会吃亏。
- To suffer loss. 经受损失
- To suffer the loss of one's health. 摧残在健康方面受摧残
- Interests are the precondition of trade so that people are unlikely to suffer losses in the trade. 摘要利益是交易的前提,所以人们不会在交易中吃亏。
- It was her lot to suffer through life. 她命该一辈子受苦。
- Learn to suffer losses and forgive others, treat them mercifully and feel contentment and gratitudes to all you own. 做人要学习吃亏、包容,常以慈悲之心待人,对于所拥有的一切,能知足、感恩;
- I get angry very easily and am not one to suffer fools gladly. 我是个易怒的人,决无耐心与蠢人周旋。
- She gets angry very easily and is not one to suffer fools gladly. 她很易发火,容不得人傻乎乎地瞎说。
- When a man's passions carry it,he will suffer loss. 一个人控制不住自己的感情,就要吃亏。
- He is not a man to suffer insult. 他可是个不容侮辱的人。
- Abner now had to suffer a sharper blow. 更猛烈的打击正等着艾布纳。
- We all have to suffer at some time in our lives. 在我们一生中都免不了有受苦的时候。
- To suffer extreme pain or great anguish. 痛苦感到巨大疼痛或极度痛苦
- To suffer patiently without yielding. 耐心地承受而不屈服
- to suffer losses is approximate with bestowal? 舍得=吃亏?先舍而后得?舍而不想到得?吃亏是福?
- Tremonti didn't have to suffer any pangs of regret. 特雷蒙蒂无悔了。
- I didn't want to suffer this much and then die. 我只想早点结束生命,不想受这种苦。
- Male pride forced him to suffer in silence. 男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。