- To stand and look afar 缦立远视
- Give me a place to stand and I will move the world. 给我一个支点,我会推动地球。
- The question is where to stand and where to move. 问题是站立和位移的位置。
- But these peasants, after looking a while, after pointing and gesticulating appreciatively a while, ambled over to the store across the street to stand and look some more. 但是这些乡下人看了一会,指指点点夸羡了一会,竟自懒洋洋地走到斜对门的昌祥铺面前站住了再看。
- We have no time to stand and stare? 我们没有时间,静静起立注视。
- But it's safest to stand and clap. 但为了保险起见,您还是起立鼓掌吧。”
- The most common fault beginners make is to stand and look up for handholds, and vainly try to move their hands up while standing in the same place.It never works and leads to desperate lunges. 总是站在同一个地方徒劳的在岩壁上找手点是初学者的通病,他们从不拼力向上抓点。
- It's time to stand back and look at your career so far. 现在你该从旁观者的角度来看一看自己迄今取得的成就了。
- To them, there are always hopes.That's why the penguins always erect themselves upright and look afar. 在企鹅的心中永远充满着希望,所以它们总是昂首挺胸,企望远方。
- To them, there are always hopes. That's why the penguins always erect themselves upright and look afar. 在企鹅的心中永远充满着希望,所以它们总是昂首挺胸,企望远方。
- He looked afar to the beautiful hills and rivers. 他极目远眺美丽的河山。
- I shuddered as I stood and looked round me. 我站在那儿,向四下里观望,冻得直打哆嗦。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch. 我宁肯当局外人旁观。
- Long he stood and looked down upon the slumbering city. 他驻足俯观仍沉浸在安眠之中的城市.
- I am still like standing and looking at this world . 皒还是喜欢站在迩旳身边看这个世界。
- Ann always to stand at the window and waves to see off. 安总要站在窗口前并挥手送别。
- Today tourists are allowed to enter the stonewall and stand and look over the Tian An Men Square on the same place as emperors as well as Chairman Mao have done. 城门是一个巨大的石墙,上面建有一个双层屋顶的塔。现在游客可以进入石墙,就像以前的皇帝和毛主席一样,极目了望整个天安门广场。
- This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear. 这种布料十分耐用。
- It was a momentary diversion to stand in front of the book counter in the drugstore at Forty-fifth street and Broadway and look at the books. 来到四十五街和百老汇大街交叉口,站在那间零售店的书刊柜台前看看陈列品也可散散心。