- Criticism is not lost on you to some degree. 在某种程度上,批评对你起了作用。
- She is,to some degree,disinclined to believe me. 某种程度上说,她不愿意相信我。
- There's truth in what she said to some degree. 在某种程度上她说的话有道理。
- To some degree, she owed her failure to bad luck. 从某种程度上来说,她的失败是由於运气不好。
- You may also want to address both to some degree. 您也可能需要在一定程度上确保这两者。
- I agree with you to some degree. 在某种程度上我与你意见一致。
- She in to some degree inferior to him in literary. 她比他在文学上稍逊风骚。
- The cat was known to some degree. 猫在某种程度上为人所知。
- She is, to some degree, disinclined to believe me. 她有点不相信我。
- IPT is psychoeducational in nature to some degree. 间隙性心理是撂荒.
- You are not foolish, but unwisdom to some degree . 你不是蠢,只是无知罢了。
- If you speak a language you take part, to some degree, in the way of living represent by that language. 如果你说一种语言,你就在一定程度上参与了那种语言所表达的生活方式。
- She found herself something of a(= to some degree a)celebrity. 她发现自己差不多成名人了。
- While this is the general approach, you can vary it to some degree. 尽管这是常规方法,但可以在一定程度上改变它。
- Confining them to some degree, can add color to our boring lives. 限时写的确很痛苦啊,我现在限时写的文章自己都不敢看.
- A word for word translation is not natural to some degree. 某种程度上说,逐字的翻译不是很自然。
- Governement procurement is a non-tariff trade barrier and, to some degree, can lead to social maladies like bribery and embezzlement. 政府采购是一种非关税的贸易障碍,在某种程度上可导致社会弊病,如受贿、盗用公款。
- This to some degree leads to less respect to the will of decedent. 这在一定程度上导致了对死者意志的不够尊重。
- Lao Liu: Right. In fact, we are similar with them to some degree. 老刘:对,在北京其实我们也和他们的境遇一样。
- To some degree - yes. 答:某种程度上会。