- He will talk about how to settle disputes between nations. 他将讲述应如何解决国家间的争端。
- To settle disputes between countries is one of the UN purposes. 解决国际争端是联合国的目标之一。
- It's the best to attempt to settle disputes without involving arbitration. 尝试不通过仲裁解决纠纷是最好的了。
- A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between employers and workers. 调解机构帮助解决劳资纠纷。
- Anyway, I still prefer to settle disputes by amicable conciliation between the two parties. 不过,我还是认为通过双方之间的友好调解来解决争议更好。
- Anyway,I still prefer to settle disputes by amicable conciliation between the two parties. 不过,我还是认为通过双方之间的友好调解来解决争议更好。
- The pacific temper seeks to settle disputes on grounds of justice rather than by force. 本着公正的原则以平和的心态寻找解决争端的方法好过使用武力。
- Of course. But it's still best to attempt to settle disputes without invoking arbitration. 当然。不过,最好还是不通过仲裁来解决争议。
- To provide consultation on labor and personnel policy, to settle disputes between individual and the company. 提供劳动人事政策咨询,调解个人与公司的劳动争议。
- Quetesh established the process several years ago. A way to settle disputes between two parties. 几年前Quetesh制定了一个过程。一个解决两种意见的争端的办法。
- The HKMA already plays an informal role in addressing consumer complaints, though we have no powers to settle disputes. 在处理银行服务的消费者投诉方面,尽管金管局目前并无解决纠纷的权力,但我们已有担任非正式的角色。
- The best way to settle disputes is through friendly negociation or conciliation by a third party. 解决争议最好的方法是友好协商或是由第三方进行调解。
- They need a network of regulations and institutions;they need umpires to settle disputes. 它们需要一系列法规与制度,需要仲裁解决纠纷。
- WTO has three main purposes: 1. To help trade flow as freely as possible 2. To serve as a forum for trade negotiations 3. To settle disputes. 其目的有三:1.;使贸易尽可能的自由流动;2
- Three main purposes: to help trade flow as freely as possible, to serve as a forum for trade negotiations and to settle disputes. 其目的有三:使贸易尽可能地自由流动,作为一个贸易谈判的论坛,以及解决争端。
- Rather than go on strike,workmen should submit to arbitration,provided their masters are willing to settle disputes peaceably. 假使雇主愿意和平解决纠纷,工人应该接受仲裁而不应罢工。
- He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill. 他需要十块钱来付清这一帐单。
- He's of an age when he ought to settle down. 他已经到了应该安顿下来的年龄了。
- Rather than go on strike, workmen should submit to arbitration, provided their masters are willing to settle disputes peaceably. 假使雇主愿意和平解决纠纷,工人应该接受仲裁而不应罢工。
- The theory of issue preclusion is a positive attempt made in order to settle disputes in one action and realize the ideal of litigation economy. 争点效理论为一次性解决纠纷、实现诉讼经济之理想提供了有益尝试。